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Seattle area peeps, I need help

The Dude Ranch

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Any dirt would have to get in with the gas.



1/ Turn ignition on off on off while listening at rear of carburetor. You should hear a clicking sound of the idle cut solenoid. No click... no gas... no idle. Check this.


2/ Assuming the idle cut solenoid is working. IF it's obstructed... disconnect the solenoid (Red wire) and unscrew and remove it. Have a care as there is a washer, spring and pin inside that can fall out and get lost. Now find the idle mixture adjustment screw and remove it while counting the turns to do so, so that it can be put back in exactly. With the solenoid and mixture screw out get a can of WD-40 with a red straw (carburetor spray is also good but you need something with a straw) and direct the spray into the solenoid hole. Sick the straw in as far as it will go. Hopefully it sprays out the mixture screw hole, then in the mixture hole and out the solenoid hole. Wear safety glasses that shit stings. Now spray in the solenoid hole while covering the mixture hole with your finger. This should reverse flush anything back into the float chamber clearing the idle circuit. Replace the idle cut solenoid and mixture screw. 


3/ Assuming it now wants to idle, set the idle mixture and speed as follows. Thoroughly warm the engine. Turn the engine idle speed screw as much as possible, below 750 would be ideal. This will make any changes to running easier to notice. Turn the idle mix screw in till the idle gets worse, then out till it gets worse. Set the screw about half way between or to where the idle is fastest and smoothest. Lower the idle speed with the idle speed screw as much as you can or under 750. Repeat the idle mix adjustment looking for the strongest smooth idle you can find. Try turning in 1/8th turns with several seconds between for the engine to respond. You are done when you can't improve the idle quality and the idle speed is 750-850


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