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rough idle, oil light, dieseling


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Hey again guys, so Ive probably made similar posts about all of these things in the past, and couldn't find any others addressing my exact problem, so start from scratch again. i have had all these problems in the past and was able to track them all down before ( loose vacuum lines to bad carb adjustments to bad timing adjustments) but Ive ran through all of that and cant find a problem anywhere. So basically what happened was, and she was running great before all of this, someone asked for a jump, hooked the cables to their car and about a minute in i heard a strange clatter ( unrelated to the jump im sure) back to normal right after. Got their car started and all of a sudden my idle went to sh!t, higher than normal and backfiring. limped it home and it dieseled when i tried to kill it. looked it over couldn't see ant issues anywhere. started it up this morning and my oil light had an intermittent flickering session (coupled with the idle issue previously stated) light quit flickering after 5 min or so (yes i checked my oil level at lunch and its dead on the full line), with the exception of a quick flicker about a 1/4 mile into my drive. started it up after work and the backfiring seemed to be gone but still high idle and flickering oil light until i start diving it. after driven no more oil light flickers but my idle is still out of wack. I almost feel like jumping that car passed some gremlins of onto me lol. Any input is greatly appreciated  

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Check the battery voltage with the engine off (12.3-12.6) and engine running (over 14). The problem happened after a boost so perhaps electrical.





OK that means you have the electronic controlled carburetor ECC which has a large plastic connector and 5? wires going to it. The control unit is under the driver's seat. With the engine warmed up and idling try moving the plug around, wiggle the wires and see if the idle improves. These carbs us multiple sensors it constantly adjust the fuel air ratio. The wires are known to break internally and loose contact. When there is a failure of the system it reverts to a 'limp home' mode and runs extra rich rather than an accidental extra lean which would harm the engine. 

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