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Turn signal goes DRRR, some are working...

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Well, today right before end of the cruising, the left turn signal cut out.

What happends is....


- Right turn signal: works fine and indicator sound is fine

- Hazard lights: worked but stopped (not working anymore)

- Left turn signal: no lights or blinks, only a loud DRRRRRRRRRRRR


Never problem until just NOW, no problem to fix usually, but this combination is new to me.

All other lights works juuuust fine :)


going through everything in this moment...

Anyone experienced the same?

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You have already asked this. Unfortunately it can result in multiple answers that are not connected by the posters and can lead to confusion.


You probably have a load dependent flasher unit. It needs the current draw form all the bulbs working in order for it to work. If one or more bulbs burn out, it will slow down noticeably or even stop. If the right side works then the flasher is working. Check the bulbs on the left side.

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Only thing left is the turn signal switch.


Do the brake lights share the turn signal bulbs like the 620? In other words if you hold the brake on and then turn the right signals on do the right brake lights flash?

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Well i found out about the left turn signal, two wires in the rear light was crushed to eachother, so i fixed them and now no "DRRRR".

But now the roof lamp fuse blew up.... so gotta replace that one too. But Hazard still not working, can't find anything wrong with it...

Keeping on searching.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aha! looks like it was the rooflamp fuse that was the problem. After changing it and isolated the wires again it works.

Strange because the fuse box was not labeled with "hazards" lights, only roof light and brakelights.


Could save me alot of hassle if it was labeled, and i spent time going over whole the car x).......

Thanks for the help afterall, We are learning new things every day!

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