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can I put KA24de piston oil squirters on an LZ 2.1?


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I took these pix from an RB20 block. They are off set slightly to avoid the rod hitting them. These are single squirters. I think the DE uses 3 different shapes one for cylinder 1 and 3, another for cylinder 2 and a third for cylinder #4 but that's for a KA block. On an L or Z series drill into the oil gallery running front to back on the right side of the cylinders. The Z22 crank is not fully counter weighted so there are throws missing on one side of every rod. This would be the ideal place for a squirter.  Hope you can figure out this terrible design below but the front of the crank for cylinder #1 has a throw but the other side of the #1 rod has nothing on the crank that would interfere with a squirter. The #2 squirter would go just on the other side of the main bearing bur just before the #2 rod and so on... The \ or / are the squirters


......... #1..................................#2.............................#3.................................#4

Throw rod blank \ mains / blank rod throw mains throw rod blank \ mains / blank rod throw






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I think that will be a problem but the throws may not be as tall as the Z22 crank. You may be able to tuck them in there. Set the crank into the block on just the front and rear mains with oil on the bearings. Temporarily fit the main bearing caps to support the crank. Look down the cylinder bores and rotate the crank around and see where there's room, or if there's room for them. There may be room between the throw and the rod???

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