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Reading the news today, and this scares the shit out of me.

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I think I would have faired better living in the 1700's or so, sure shorter life span due to lack of modern medicene, but life was just basic and simple. Well depending on your life style..but for the most part if you wernt robbing and rapping, you get up work your land and live stock, sell/exchange/barter...and just live...with a lot less govenment....wheres my battle axe..?...lol


Soooo much bullshit, since GB set up this country to be a business (collect taxes)...and keep the masses divided just enough, convience them they need to vote to keep them protected by the governing bodies, cause your to dumb to do it yourself. The process just keeps multiplying, guess what....no way to stop it. If you talk about it...your crazy...if act on it you go to jail. I dont no the answer, and dont claim to have a plan...but I will stay aware, and teach my children to be aware and question everything....especially religion, cults, clubs..!


I know it would seem a bit odd to support military, but I do for different reasons then mentioned above...has its pros and cons as far as personal experince goes.

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Oh, you're a full blown conspiracy freak if you so much as question why someone is repeatedly hitting you in the nuts. You're suppose to like it and say "the guy hitting me in the nuts is good for our economy". As far as the military goes, it's pretty hard to be in for 20 years and not have an epiphany or two about some of the bullshit I was involved in. 

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Oh, you're a full blown conspiracy freak if you so much as question why someone is repeatedly hitting you in the nuts. You're suppose to like it and say "the guy hitting me in the nuts is good for our economy". As far as the military goes, it's pretty hard to be in for 20 years and not have an epiphany or two about some of the bullshit I was involved in. 


Agrred Smoke,


100%....as crazy as it sounds, Im pushing my twins to join, rather then spend an assload of $$$ on some bullshit college degree, which has no merit currently. They can get the degree later, when things make more sense and have a direction.


Like to see all youth go through at least 2 years of infantry, not to be killers, but to get a basic life mind set, test your mind /body and will...I think it makes for a better human...lol

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Agrred Smoke,


100%....as crazy as it sounds, Im pushing my twins to join, rather then spend an assload of $$$ on some bullshit college degree, which has no merit currently. They can get the degree later, when things make more sense and have a direction.


Like to see all youth go through at least 2 years of infantry, not to be killers, but to get a basic life mind set, test your mind /body and will...I think it makes for a better human...lol

In my opinion, the military is a great choice in general. I can't speak for now days, because I was in since 90, it taught me a lot as far as character goes. responsibility and so on. All things parents should teach you, but that's a whole other topic in my case. I would not change going into the Corps for a second, I would however taken a different route once in. I ended up boots on the ground in the middle of darn near everything and a bunch of stuff that was only a small blurb on BBC  That I could have done without.

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Oh and "smoke' is a name that was pinned on me in the service, due to a hunk of hot shrapnel that shot into my pack. It was burning and as I was running from building to building, my spotter told me to deal with it because I was smoking like his uncle's 52 Buick. He said it over the com, so from then on, smoke was glued on me.

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In my opinion, the military is a great choice in general. I can't speak for now days, because I was in since 90, it taught me a lot as far as character goes. responsibility and so on. All things parents should teach you, but that's a whole other topic in my case. I would not change going into the Corps for a second, I would however taken a different route once in. I ended up boots on the ground in the middle of darn near everything and a bunch of stuff that was only a small blurb on BBC  That I could have done without.

Thank you for going through the bullshit portion, Ive been in for 13 and have 2 left.....not sticking it out for retirement though.


To choose the military path, is still better then spending 4 years in school not knowing what the hell your going to do when your done...you just know EVERYONE is telling you have to do it or you will be a looser...lmao


I tell my sons go either way, but along the way, learn as many trades as you can, tech or not...you will always produce, unless your work ethic is less then desirable, dont be afraid or have fear of anything, be it trying something, or looking dumb....that goes away....lol

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Oh and "smoke' is a name that was pinned on me in the service, due to a hunk of hot shrapnel that shot into my pack. It was burning and as I was running from building to building, my spotter told me to deal with it because I was smoking like his uncle's 52 Buick. He said it over the com, so from then on, smoke was glued on me.



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I think I would have faired better living in the 1700's or so, sure shorter life span due to lack of modern medicene, but life was just basic and simple. Well depending on your life style..but for the most part if you wernt robbing and rapping, you get up work your land and live stock, sell/exchange/barter...and just live...with a lot less govenment....wheres my battle axe..?...lol


Soooo much bullshit, since GB set up this country to be a business (collect taxes)...and keep the masses divided just enough, convience them they need to vote to keep them protected by the governing bodies, cause your to dumb to do it yourself. The process just keeps multiplying, guess what....no way to stop it. If you talk about it...your crazy...if act on it you go to jail. I dont no the answer, and dont claim to have a plan...but I will stay aware, and teach my children to be aware and question everything....especially religion, cults, clubs..!


I know it would seem a bit odd to support military, but I do for different reasons then mentioned above...has its pros and cons as far as personal experince goes.

This country has been a business for a lot longer than GB. Seriously you need to go back and read history,  starting in 1912 if you think we have only been a business since 2000.

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This country has been a business for a lot longer than GB. Seriously you need to go back and read history,  starting in 1912 if you think we have only been a business since 2000.

Thats what I refering to, early 1600's is around the time they (GB) started establishing and securing global colonies, not 2000...lol

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Thats what I refering to, early 1600's is around the time they (GB) started establishing and securing global colonies, not 2000...lol

GB in 2013 normally refers to George Bush, not Great Brittain. So I was a bit confused, lol.


That would actually be even more incorrect, Great brittain set this country up as a welfare provider for them essentially. We work and get taxed senseless and they collect it, but we get no voting rights.


We took it from them and made it America, which survived without being a business until about the early 1900's when Wilson was elected. Since we signed over to the banking system, we have essentially been a business, (which by definition makes up Facists if I recall correctly)

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GB in 2013 normally refers to George Bush, not Great Brittain. So I was a bit confused, lol.


That would actually be even more incorrect, Great brittain set this country up as a welfare provider for them essentially. We work and get taxed senseless and they collect it, but we get no voting rights.


We took it from them and made it America, which survived without being a business until about the early 1900's when Wilson was elected. Since we signed over to the banking system, we have essentially been a business, (which by definition makes up Facists if I recall correctly)



Yeah not the ex president..lol.


Thought I did refer and mentioned the taxes, did not refer to welfare...but then again it was their idea or view as a buisness, THEIR business...lol.


Same history knowledge, just defined or viewed in a different light. And I dont disagree, but feel as far a business defined, its been established as one since settled, yes with the banking system, and indepence established....a different type of business..so yeah I understand what your saying...great points too.

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