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WTT Two NA Miatas for running L20B + 5speed

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This is kind of a ridiculous post, but just because of how my job has been working out over the last few years and my inability to snag a nice L20b setup for reasons that I can only assume the little dickhead gnomes that constantly sabotage my life understand, I've decided to put two of my Miatas up for trade.


THE OFFER: I might as well introduce the Miatas before we get too far.

The first is my daily driver, a '91LE manual in BRG with a matching hardtop. It's got about 230k on the odo, and while the engine proper seemingly doesn't notice, the rest of the car is definitely well aware of how many miles that is. The suspension is soggy, the drivers seat is a mess, the exhaust is leaky, the transmission makes terrifying noises when engine braking, the left rear caliper is leaky, the radiator is leaky, the catalytic converter is trash, and the paint is good from far but far from good. It runs a bit rough in the morning, especially if it was humid that night. Beyond that, it's my daily driver and I love it and I drive it from Berkeley to Sac every weekend without so much as a hiccup.

It comes with the stock daisy wheels, some covers and other Miata nerd things, and these weirdo panasport knockoffs that look cool but may or may not be made out of lead.


The second car is a totaled 93LE in black with what was red interior before the previous owner stripped it out. It has 168k on the odo. I don't know much about this car, other than the previous owner bought it with the specific intent to get it outfitted with an FM turbo kit - then took a chevy berretta to the face. The body is in decent shape except for the bump on the left front, so, the hood, front bumper, and left fender are dookie. It comes with some pretty curbed BBS meshies lacking lug covers. I'm assuming the engine is in good shape, but that is just an assumption based off the fact that before the bump, it was a really nice car that dude payed a fair sum for.


WHAT I WANT: I want a clean, relatively fresh, plug-and-play L20b with good, consistent compression and some sort of dual Weber/Mikuni equivalent set up, no SUs. I would prefer it to have an A87 head with a cam and lifters that aren't spauling. I would like basic pumps and thermostats and ignitotroninometers and peak stoichiometric barometrons all fresh as well, you know the deal. Nothing crazy or pulled off the last Bluebird in Siam with the blessing of some holy dude, just clean. Autozone parts, whatever. I'm not at all looking for MONDO-POWER, just something fun and simple and reliable with a little bit of pizzaz. An engine that's been jazzed up. Synergized. All that.

Basically, I'll be pissed if I find whacked out, rusty critical parts on the engine.

The transmission can be either a dogleg or standard, and the only thing I ask of it is that the clutch isn't actually made out of a real pancake (actually, a sturdy example is preferrable), and that it doesn't sound like angry two robots wrestling when in use.


THE CATCHES: Part of the deal is that you must smog the car, or put into non-op, whatever. I'm faily certain it only needs a new cat, as the guy I bought it from told me months later (in an unprecidented dick move) that he just used the exhaust from one of his other Miatas to get it to pass.

You're also going to have to come to Berkeley to get the cars, which is a hassle.

You're also going to have to come soon - like, before the end of the month if at all possible. I'm moving.


Here's the goods:



Ignore the jerk in the drivers seat.




Well, whaddya say?

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After reading this, I totally undersold the 91'LE. Aside from little dimples, the body is in really good shape - and it didn't even cross my mind that maybe people reading this live in a place where rust exists. This is a California car through and through - no cancer that I can find. Here's another picture with the daisies on.



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