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NYE Parties?

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So far its look like I'll be swinging by a couple "old folks/family friendly" parties tonight. Anyone else have anything going on tonight that are potentially crashable?


Actually, now I'm curious just what every one is doing for NYE period.


Me? I'm stopping by a couple "family friendly" parties (bunch of my friends have newborns, so NYE parties are on lock down this year and being turned into "MY BABY IS MORE CUTEST THAN YOUR BABY" infant hate fests :) ) then possibly picking a random party to stop in on with a bottle of Jack.

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We're partying at my house.....family friendly too :mellow:


Sorry, I didn't think how my cloyness would sound to others. The "family friendly" description is a bit of a tease when said in my circle because last year none of them had kids, and this year, five couples suddenly have kids, so they're all "old folks" now. It wasn't meant to insult anyone who is having a party described as "family friendly." I think there's going to be baby races, and maybe a baby gladiator pit. I'm imaging something like this, except with babies.




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