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comin swap? 1200 carb on my b210

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is the anti run on cyliniod for a 1200 vacum? my new carb has no electrical cyliniod bu it does have a vacum diafram, but i cranks my idle when hooked up, oh manual choke as well think it was a 72 or 73. pics wihin the hour

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is the anti run on cyliniod for a 1200 vacum? my new carb has no electrical cyliniod bu it does have a vacum diafram, but i cranks my idle when hooked up, oh manual choke as well think it was a 72 or 73. pics wihin the hour

i swapped a 1200 carb onto my b210. its reving real high wth that diaphram hooked to vacum. its dieseling all he time hooked up or not.

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What was wrong with the original carburetor?


To fix the high revving, unplug the hose from the Throttle Opener and plug the hose. Done.

To fix the dieseling (run-on), set the idle to 600RPM. But because of how the B210 engine is designed, it might still do it-- that's why they added anti-diesel feature to the newer carburetors. You can't add it to the old carburetors.

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damn i thought the throttle opener was the anti runon, my old carb had some shaft play, the anti runon cylaniod was bad , the p.o. took alot stuff off of it like the choke the valve vent. and they didnt take the care with any of it. i was tired of pumping my gas at every stop, and the spudder righ at 60 was bad becouse i can seam to drive 50 but i end up pushing up to 70 instead thanks for the info your like some kind of wizard

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