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my 510 for sale

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ok if your looking for a sweet cherry ride leave right now it needs work.... ive put my money in to this and i hate it... im literally pissed when i see this car so before i take it down to the car compactors someone needs to buy it. i can call my friend and get his lazy as to get it running if he helps but its a 4 dr 72 datsun 510 red with silver hood ive put alot of money into the suspensionn engine transmission gas tank fuel lines and parts i have every recipet for it. it has the original title also from montana thats why theres rust and crap http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.209958155684384.62441.100000106045582&l=a7dbb1deff

heres a link for pictures i have an extra passanger seat and carbs and stuff in the car all i want to get is my money invested back in it. 1500$ thats all im asking for a rolling chasis with a engine that will turn over im serious i will destroy this car... and i love cars... thats how pissed i am im located in new mexico albuquerque shoot me a txt at 505-203-6406 if you are interested

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