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New guy, FLORIDA

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Hey all...i been lurking the site for a couple months now and i guess i've decided it was now time to make a noob thread...lol


I'm trying to bring life back into this 72' 510. I have had it for almost a year now, but working on it has been kinda slow. Here is how she looked when i first got her and we stripped her down :P



















And now she sits like this after a sand blast and primer:




As you can see has LOTS of rust holes!...the rust was nuts on it. In any case what we have planned so far is drivers side rear quarter will be replaced, same goes for the hood and the front stone shield/valance (IF ANYONE HAS ANY OF THESE FOR SALE, LET ME KNOW!). Everything else will be mostly metal repair. We are going to try and reduce the use of bondo as much as we can, although we know we are going to have to use it in some cases no matter what. I dont think im going for a show car restoration because it is something i am going to drive ALOT..lol...im not into collecting cars...im into driving them!..


I do some graphic design, so i made some datsun shirt mockups. If there is any interest i think i might make a run or 2. Just throwing it out there (hope its ok with the mods!)





So anyway, plan so far is a stock KA with some hayashi streets for showing off, and some diamond racing wheels for the daily driving. I plan on painting the car Sandy Beach Metallic (Toyota color) and just cruisin in it as much as i can! ;)


p.s. Great site!

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welcome to our little corner of insanity! and thanks for the pics. we like (DEMAND) pics. looks like a good project.



Thanks man!


Ill have plenty of pics as i go along. I also just picked this up, since the original front bumper is all bent out of shape





Gotta get it re-chromed one day. Wish i was lucky enough to have as many resources as you Cali folk :D !

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Hey guys. Thanks for the kind words.


As far as the shirts go, i'll probably be selling them for $15 shipped, although i don't know which design to keep. I know im keeping the first one for sure...that one i love. But the other 3 i guess will be up to how much interest is shown.


(Again please, if any admins have an issue with this just let me know. I will respect the sites wishes)

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yeah i really like the top right one too. i would say make a thread for the shirts. and see what every one has to say about what they would want.

a datsun t-shirt thread might get a little more people looking at it. you could even put a poll on it so people could just vote for the shirt they would want if they were to get one.


now back to your 510 lol, whats next for her?

and get a pic of the color your painting the car, id really like to see.

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yeah i really like the top right one too. i would say make a thread for the shirts. and see what every one has to say about what they would want.

a datsun t-shirt thread might get a little more people looking at it. you could even put a poll on it so people could just vote for the shirt they would want if they were to get one.


now back to your 510 lol, whats next for her?

and get a pic of the color your painting the car, id really like to see.



Yeah maybe ill do that!




As for the car....i was going to paint it this color (sandy beach metallic)




BUT! within these past couple days i have changed my mind..





I want this now...lol



112 Yellow FTW!

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  • 8 months later...




I actually purchased another 510 and sold the one posted because of the rust. Here is the new one:




The car is currently at my fathers shop in Lakeland and hes already removed the engine



Here is the head back from the machine shop



We decided to ditch the L16 in favor of the L20B because of obvious reasons, but my plan is simply to have a clean running L20B wit a nice carb setup (maybe dual side draft?)and mate it to a 5 speed one day.


I didnt get to take a clean pic of the L20, but here are the pistons:



The block is going to the machine shop in a couple days to get cleaned up and to have the crank balanced. I already have everything else ready to go as far as gaskets, seals etc...to put the engine together. I think the only thing i am missing is a clutch.


I should hopefully have her on the road within the next couple weeks. After the rebuild, i'm driving her back down here to Fort Lauderdale for the body work and suspension and w/e else i can do for her. I cant wait :D


Quick question,...The L20 I purchased came with a 6bolt flywheel (weighed a ton!...lol) and i was told that i should purchase a 1971-72 240Z clutch to make it work with the flywheel (4 speed 510 tranny) is that correct?

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