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The noobs 72' 521 -= THE RUNDOWN FROM A-Z =-


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Alright kids gather around!

Its story time.


I know pictures are like crack for you Ratsun guys, so I made sure there were plenty.


I spent all day today inspecting my truck. from top to bottom. P1040965.jpg


The first thing I did was open the hood and started to play. First thing was check out the carb. The engine was rebuilt about a month or two ago so that should be solid.

The air filter was filthy, so I cleaned both my friend and I's filters.





After driving around and trial and error, I need some help with my carb. Let me give you the run down.

- It idles a little high, now im not a professional but from the cars ive worked on I can say that something is fishy here. I dont know carbs to well, I know the basics.

So from the start. I have the idle down as far as it will go, to my knowledge, which isnt much so disregard that. It still idles a little high.

The throttle is strange, when it is at flat out idle and you barely touch the gas it sounds like it is about to die out then it picks up and revs. very strange. ive never seen that before.

Also this could be a number of things but after some run time and i turn it off the engine that could keeps on running. I will hold on and keep running anywhere from 1 - 10 seconds. then it shuts off.

I would like for it not to do this so that i dont look ridiculous when I get out of my car and its still sputtering.


(I can take more pictures for clarification or questions.)





That went on for a while. and is still going on as we speak....




I took a break from that and moved to the interior. I would do suspension but im inspecting and i already know that the suspension is crap.. that will be fixed later


So, the interior.

This is where i started.





Looks ok, but I wanted to get down to the nitty gritty.


I probably should have taken more pictures here but I was busy.

I pulled out the seats, the vinyl, etc.





Ditry, when i took this pic I had already cleaned up the right side seat first. I busted out some wire brushes and went head to head with the rust, oooooh the rust. theres plenty. It all ended up pretty clean. not perfect, no where near it but i was much better when I was dont. I had probably taken out about a pound or two of dirt between the two sides. I wil have to cut out the floor pans and weld some new ones in eventually.


I got one of my interns to clean the vinyl for me. He scrubbed it pretty well I must say.


It all went back in pretty quick. I was able to lube up the seat adjustment also so now my legs get a little more space.


Here it is all done and back in.





And... as you can plainly see.... THE DASH

Its the one thing that stares at me giving me the finger. I need a new dash or I might go crazy.

If anyone is in the Bay Area please let me know.





He also needs some front glass. I would love for it to be local but I dont think thats going to happen.


Heres his black eye, got in a fight a few years ago. and it time to give him some aid.





Thats pretty much is for today. More to come in the next few days.


Thanks for looking

Thanks for the help

feel free to ask questions.


- D

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Welcome man, cool little truck. Great opener with the pics...


On the carb, first check that your choke cable is adjusted correctly, allowing the choke to close fully. (or open, really) Webers are usually set up pretty close jetting wise, but a high idle suggests something out of adjustment, perhaps even the fuel/air mixture. Prolly lots of info in the engine section on that.


On your overrun, well, welcome to planet L. Seems most do it, but definately check your timing. Also, might wanna ditch that breather tube to the carb and just install a breather filter, I did this on my L20, and it smoothed it out a bit, I think installing an EL dizzy is probably the only real solution (next on MY list). Most of us just shut it off in gear and let the clutch out and act like nothing happened. :lol: Never walk away from a sputtering Datsun man. :no:


Plan on spending a lot of time looking for a nice 521 dash, and then a lot of money when you find it. Windshields pop up in the for sale section from time to time, usually no less than $150.


Other than that, keep scrubbin, lookin good! (tell your intern nice work from me...)

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Thanks a ton for the rad reply dewd,


I think i need to get someone who know what they are doing to look at this one. it might just be that its beat up or something but its very very extremely temperamental.

Its a love hate with that thing. I played with the choke etc. where is the fuel/air mixture?


how would i go about "might wanna ditch that breather tube to the carb and just install a breather filter"


I dont really walk away. but i get out and watch it as it makes a fool of itself.

I messed with it yesterday and its doing it less..... temperamental

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