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Tach question!


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Alright so I got bored and wired this phantom tach that I had sitting around


black ground

green to - on the ignition coil

and red to my battery............

oh and if it matters white? to the - side as well.

the white wire just made the guage luminate.....so yeah i dont know if that matters.


weird thing is it is just jumping around and or always zero


but when i turn my headlights on it is completely steady and seems more accurate.


so.......thus what should i move.




oh this is in a 510

Edited by SubwayGUY4
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Alright so I got bored and wired this phantom tach that I had sitting around


black ground

green to - on the ignition coil

and red to my battery............

oh and if it matters white? to the - side as well.

the white wire just made the guage luminate.....so yeah i dont know if that matters.


weird thing is it is just jumping around and or always zero


but when i turn my headlights on it is completely steady and seems more accurate.


so.......thus what should i move.




oh this is in a 510


Is the case metal? I had something similar with an old toyota corona I used to have. The wiring had a ground wire, and it went bumping along (never checked with headlights...) until i had bumped my hand (while holding the metal case of the tach) and touched the metal around the dash cluster. ZAP! and the tach was right on the money. Grounded the case and connected the ground wire and was good to go.


However... I think you have some of the wiring different. Usually the green wire in most Datsuns is for + illumination, which may explain why the tach works well with the lights on, it is receiving the current from the battery instead of the from the coil. Perhaps a swap of the wires may do the trick. Definitely black for Ground. Check. Next, check to see which of the pairs (Green and White or Red and White) give illumination and connect the other wire to the coil. Good Luck!

Edited by zerow
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If this phantom tach is an aftermarket unit like I think it is, then everything should be correct. Black to ground, red to switched b+, and green to coil negative. White should go to a wire that is hot when the lights are turned on. The only other thing I can think of is some of these tachs require adjustment depending upon how many cylinders you have it hooked to. Some require you to cut a wire in the back of the tach, and some have dip switches

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whats red to B+?

and yeah there were about 3 cut wires on the back.

those 4 wires were all that werent cut.


Send a picture of it, front and back. We can then determine "phantom" status (id it for you...) and we can see what all has been hacked on the back (what is important, and how to hook it up...)

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 3 months later...

Had some free time today and felt i should wire my tach. As goes Sunpro super tach 2


1) Red wire = 12v

2) Black wire = ground

3) White wire = 12v from any light source.

4) Green wire = Coil neg


He is the Tricky part the coil neg is not black, its a LIME GREEN.


and he it is done, no issues.


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