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Timing Chain - too loose? Ticking


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I'm experiencing a pretty scary sounding ticking coming from the front of the motor. The ticking is very random but doesn't go away. This chain look too loose? I opened the oil cap for a few seconds and the noise doesn't appear to be coming from valves. I asked a few on the realm but it was in my old "it lives" post so I didn't get very many responses so I thought I'd add it here. The other side is good and tight. If you haven't read any of my posts I just recently put the head back on.


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Be sure to look at the first 5 minutes, because that will show you how to tell whether or not your chain is worn by using a v and - mark.


Is your water pump going out? Sometimes they can make a racket with a ticking sound. You didn't say how the engine was running, that might be a clue to what is going on too.

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you know my TC story

lol yep! I don't want to take the cover offfff waaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Thanks Hainz.


Yeah basically I'm just looking for a concensus that it looks loose then I'll get off my lazy but and do it. I ordered a head gasket so here we go I gyess.


No I'm not 100 percent sure on the valve I did get the right feeler finally yesterday (what do you mean you want a metric one lol) so I can check them. I would have THOUGHT anyway that taking the oil cap off I would have heard it more. I even used a tube to try and verify and I'd say I'm probably 80 percent sure it's chain on the slack side guide. I wonder if maybe the time the tensioner popped out possibly I bent that guide or something? I didn't notice but that was my first time ever in an engine that deep.


Frickin scary that is. :D



I'll also try hainz suggestion to check

turn the crank clock wise and put tension on the chain and ck the slack side for slop. otherwise I think you ust turned the crank counter clock wise but yea it looks loose.

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