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more on my free 75 or 76. 620 more pics

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i went i looked her over close today, the tag in the door shows 12/1975 and the above that is stampped in by hand 2/76.

i think the last driver drank to much as the front bumper is beat up pretty good. floor pans are a tiny bit rusted but otherwise it is in real supriseing condition, it is filthy and full of junk, the roof is dented in from kids playing on it, but it should pop out ok.




heres more pics sorry they are small i just try to keep it reasonable size enjoy






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yep i like the rat idea, just cheap fun, since old american cars are so trendy right now you have to rich or single to afford one.


The old girl will look a whole lot better with just a few days of attention.

First goal is to find out if the engine will rotate and hopefully, eventually start.

I wont be suprised if the carb needs a cleaning and a rebuild.


It has 2 engine heaters on it, one in the block and one external tank heater, so that tells me he either needed to be sure it would start, or it was extremely cold blooded.

i bet it was both maybe. It does get pretty cold in wyoming

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well the old 620 is now at my place, the tow to my house went well, it was only 2 blocks thank fully. the brake resivoirs were empty but i added fluid and was able to get just a tiny bit of brakes, same with the clutch,

this thing is in need of some attention

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  • 1 year later...

1 year and being laid off and cold winter, i am real happy with how it has come along, most body damage is fixed, the interior is cleaned up, brakes work, clutch works, engine runs, fuel tank is clean, carb is rebuilt, need tires and a bettery,

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