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Everything posted by J_Yoshida

  1. Is there a way to make this work on a 510?
  2. The number posted now is the correct contact number.
  3. Thank you, you seem to be one of the few people that has time to share some knowledge and not criticize. As it was said earlier it is an l18 and I'm not sure as to what I have as the seller just seemed to want to turn out the car. As I said before the car has been sitting on blocks for months while I try to get it going. Once it's on the road I will start looking to upgrade, replace and fully restore it. The last guy who came over to help and said 'it's easy as hell and not a problem' who's a close family friend came over popped the hood, drank a 6 pack in an hour and then took of to take care of his nagging girlfriend. Didn't even touch the engine or give me a direction to go in. So i am completely lost and would just like to get it on the road.
  4. This mobile site sucks* ggzilla I would greatly appreciate your help, please contact me through text as I have been called into work for a bit.
  5. I already know there s@#t but it's whats on the car and what I have to work with. As for getting a text, I've received none. Today my family is all coming over for my birthday and nothing would give me more pleasure the working on my car and having a few beers so I can ignore them.
  6. I've had my new 510 for almost 8 months now and can't find the info to get it going! If your near 98032 and know anything about flat top SU's and anything else that could go wrong I could really use the help. Text me @ 2532188246. I won't answer if you call because I'll be at work untill 330.
  7. Where did you get the wiring diagram that is shown in these pictures? I would REALLY like to obtain one for myself.
  8. Do you have a contact so we can work out the details?
  9. I'll be available to pick it up in October with cash in hand. Possibly sooner.
  10. I'm VERY interested in this! Is it still available?
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