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Everything posted by RAG&BONE

  1. Well you can look at that picture and say "hey I know that guy!", I cant and I am sorry but when I find a random image on google it is very diffucult to track down the source and verify the orginal owner of it. If you want to contact your friend and put him in touch with me feel free, i dont even have a way to verify your telling the truth either so the water starts to get a little merky on the internet... I just wanted to make some stickers for my fellow ratsun and J-tin enthusist to enjoy and support our community, I am not trying to make a million dollars here.
  2. Buyers 1/ Replies WILL be limited to questions about the item for sale and 'reasonable offers'. All others will be removed at the moderators discretion. 2/ Negative comments about the item or the price WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. These will be removed and the member warned once or temp banned, totally at the moderators discretion. No excuses, no exceptions. Skib arnt you admin/staff? Do these rules not apply any longer?
  3. take it easy guys, its just a sticker! :P I plan on making a bunch of different ones. If you dont like it dont buy it.
  4. I dont know who yuta is, just came across the pic on google images and it made a good vector so it was easy to cut.
  5. Leather straps? Hmmm, I will see what I can do about that, I like it! (in a non creepy way :ninja: )
  6. 510 was already on the list,#3 :thumbup:
  7. 620 is now on the list, thanks for the input guys!
  8. A couple visual aids incase for those who are unfamiliar :D
  9. Sure! this sticker is just the first in the series, i will make whatever you guys wana buy. I will work on a 521 and post it up later this week.
  10. payment recieved, will be in the mail today or first thing tomorrow
  11. back in the day the japan street racers would steel the subway handles of the trains 1) made them look like BAMF s cause they stole something 2) they would hang it from the back of there cars to show how low they where.( if it touched the ground you would get bonus points towards winning a sweet boombox) Now its just done cause it a throw back to that. the pokemony and shit people hang off there cars are "drift charms" same idea as a charm braclet and just as silly :rofl:
  12. I was guna post this up a while a go but I thought I would get flamed, but I just say the other thread of these for sale and thought what the hell maybe you guys will dig them. I have been making these for a while cause I get a kick out of them, these Bozo rings are unique cause they are wood grain, I didnt like the plastic ones everyone else had. So check them out, I have a few on hand and if i get enough intrest i will make some more up. paypal is cruelaswinter@gmail.com 25$ shipped
  13. I wish! any Ratsun guys with a silk screen set up wana partner up an??
  14. Hey guys, I started making stickers again and this is the first batch of the new run, I will be doing a line of vintage J-tin decals in the "DEATH BEFORE DOMESTIC" line I am doing. Let me know what you think, I am taking orders 6$ each shipped, these are about 5"x9" 2 color high quality vinyl. . I can do different colors upon request as well. And if you dont know i do custome stuff to so let me know if you want something custome made for your ride. THANKS!!! and let me know what you think! my paypal is cruelaswinter@gmail.com PM me for any questions
  15. thanks, i am aware of what a junk yard is and where they are at , but thank you! if i have the option of just buying one for a couple bucks and paying for shipping i would much rather do that then spend my time and gas money driving around to yards that may or may not have what i am looking for.
  16. I read on another forum that you can mod a early 70s datsun truck shifter to work in a 280zx trany. I want to make a longer shifter with a better pivot point for my road racing car. Any one got one they wana part with for cheap?
  17. We did pretty good for 11 hours and 50 minutes of the 12 hour race, then at the very end the down pipe decided to unbolt itself! but over all the car ran 1000% better than in spokane, didnt even come close to over heating.
  18. Whats the dates for Canby this year? its going to hopefully be my first year!
  19. I have been to a ton of "old fashion auctions" and when no one is bidding they start lowering the price till people start bidding on it. Nothing sneaky about setting a reserve, like drew510 said, whats it matterif the auction starts low and ends above 4000??? thats just kinda how a auction works.... :P
  20. We are also doing a little R & D on a basic intercooler sprayer system. We repurposed some of the parts we tore out from the orginal build. 1. First we modified the old charcoal canistermont to hold this big mustard jug 2. mounted the winshiled wiper sprayer pump in the rear of the car , ran a line from the jug to the motor and from the moter we conected it to the old hard line used to connect to the rear hatch sprayer 3. Up front we used the sprayers off the hood and moved them to the new upper valance ( swiss cheese aluminum thing where we choped the front of the hood) that sits right in front of the intercooler. 4,. and to trigger it we used the old WOT senser for the auto trany to trigger the sprayer so that when you mash your foot to the floor it turns on the sprayer! Check our modified bumper to allow for more air flow.;)
  21. Got a little video of some tuning runs up and down th street, the front air dam isnt on, just the splitter so it look especialy mean :D . And the turbo sounds a little off cause one of the lines was in the wrong spot. oops! http://youtu.be/F2T_tyHfDRg
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