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Everything posted by RAG&BONE

  1. yeah, I hit a few yards already and havnt seen one yet, i didnt know they where so rare! might have to bite the bullet and buy a new one
  2. Its halloween weekend , 12 hour race on sat 29th and a 6 hour on sunday. The race is sold out,75 cars its gunna be crazy! At the last race in spokane the first hour saw alot of guys over drive there cars trying to stay in the lead. There was a corolla in the pit next to us that got there engine so hot they melted off there dizzy!
  3. we got the weight of our ZX down to 2350 race weight, Rust is good for that extra little bit of weight savings. we didnt have time to do much ducting but the 2 piston infinnity brakes up front let us run way bigger brakes and it cornered very well.
  4. Those boys where fast in spokane,Proper fast. I they should tell me there secrets, imagine they had some good drivers, my team was mostly noobs including myself
  5. Just got the confirmation from chumpcar, we are the last car to get in on the Portland race!! I hope to get a chance to talk to anyone from the ratsun form if they are at the race, stop by. Also Anyone have a crank pulley for a L28 that they wana sell for cheap? mine got chipped (sad face)
  6. Iam looking for a decent crank pully that will work on my L28. I had the 1981 external CAS and upgraded to the internal so i want to swap the crank pulley so that I can have the proper timing marks. Iam not running power steering or ac so any pully will work as long as is not from a 81 turbo. Let me know what ya got and please let me have a price to. Its going on the "RATSUN Rag&Bone CHUMPCAR" ,chumpcar is a race series for cars under 500$ so I cant pay a furtune for parts. If you wana cut me a deal I will put your name on the car!
  7. we got 32 out of 50, 149 laps. We were fighting that overheating issue and 3 of my drivers couldnt drive at night sooooo... But our untested car lasted 24 hours in the dessert in the middle of summer so thats a victory in my book! Next race we should have the cooling and charging issues fixed and really be able to see what this car can do. From July 26, 2011">
  8. Couple more, From July 26, 2011"> side pipe exhaust(blew some rad flames!) From July 26, 2011"> home made splitter half done
  9. OK, so I have been franticaly building this car and have not had time to post many updates. But now that the race is over and the car is done i can put up a few pics! From July 26, 2011"> this is tha car at about half done befor the "AERO package" here she is at the race with the Ratsun.net banner kinda hard to see, BUT THANKS VERY MUCH FOR THE BANNER GUYS!!! From July 26, 2011"> From July 26, 2011"> here is the datsun tailgate " Wing" and our sweet plexi windows!! From July 26, 2011"> her she is at night with the head light covers on, can see the bannera bit better. Overall she did good at the race, considering that the first time the car was EVER driven was from the garage to the trailer to take it to the race, I had no idea if the 300zx suspension was gunna work or the J30 front brakes or a million other mods that we did where guna work. The main problem was cooling and charging. I think the culprit was the smaller crank pully i got from the Zstore.com, i think the smaller diameter pully was under driving the water pump and alternator to much. just a guess though. but when she was running she was very fast! we ended up using a F54 turbo bottom end, a P72 head, Z31 ecu and Maf, volvo turbo,saab BOV reserced, and a Saab intercooler. For the suspension we used stock rear, and up front we did 4 bolt Z31 struts /lower ball joint and tie rods, with j30 2 piston brakes. THis put our front suspension at about 15 degrees positive camber but after much grinding and hacking we got it down to -2!!! more pics and info to come as i get mor uploaded
  10. man is that lame! Square wave patter, jeeze i thought i just needed a resistor inline or some thing, so is there anyaftermarket gauge that will work ? or is this the case with all aftermarket tachs? also no my tach does not have a 4,6,8 option. it a PIVOT tach
  11. I am having a heck of a time tryn to hook up a aftermarket tach to my 1982 280zx turbo, it tried tying into the tach signal going to the stock tach and tried going straight to the negative signal on the coil both ways give me a eratic signal that obviously is not working. Is there something iam missing???
  12. got a little progress done this week, got the junkyard saab intercooler mounted up, this woorks great cause the input and out put are on the same side. From Drop Box"> also got about 70% of the cage welded in, what a pain in the ass that was. From Drop Box"> From Drop Box"> sorry for the crappy sell phone pic!
  13. :Dcool thanks for the reply, I can stop messing with the drive train and move on to exhaust!The car had a auto tranyin it before and I though I was going to have to put the drive shaft in from the manual that I got the tranny out of but when I put the 5 speed in I tried it with the auto drive shaft still in and it fit just right. That saved me alot of time.
  14. yeah i heard about that race, sounds like he did really good, but a roadster ways couple hundred pounds less probably . And since i have the turbo engine iam not guna tear it off :P , i will just let it blow up first
  15. So no ones has these bolts in there nissan 5 speeds,? they just slapped the brackets on every engine whether they needed them or not? I was just worried Ihad some odd ball tranny that they forgot to prill joles in cause it sure seems like there are supose to be bolts there.
  16. ok so i got under the car and confirmed the bolt hole situation. i took off the trany support brackets and looked at where the holes SHOULD be. left mount postion From Drop Box"> here it is with the bracket in place From Drop Box"> same thing on the right as you can see there are holes in the sandwich plate but no coresponding hole in the trany. From Drop Box"> with bracket From Drop Box"> So is this normal to not have bolts in the bottom holes of the trany support brackets?! cause mine dont have holes to put bolts and that seems wrong. Can anyone confirm this is how there stock nissan 280zx 5 speed(not a t5 borg5 speed but a nissian 5 speed that came in the non turbo zx) looks?
  17. but thats the thing, the metal brackets came from the same engine as the 5 speed tranny so you would think they would have bolted up.
  18. all the 5 speed parts came from a 82 NA 280zx, i pulled it myself. the 81 turbo never came with a 5 speed only an auto but all the trannys all bolts to the same l28e block. so if i dont have the plate in backwards ( which after looking at the fsm seem only go on one way) and the brackets( which also can only go on one way) are bolting to the engine the same way they bolted in before , the only thing i can think of is that the nissan 5 speed did not have those bolt holes. which seems very odd to me. uhg iam probably going to have to tear it appart to get to the bottom of this mystery.
  19. does any one have pics from the bottom of the tranny thats froma NON T5, just the standard nissan 5speed?
  20. yes thanks for the pics! that exactly what iam taking about, iam not using a T5, its from a NA 5 speed 82 zx. The metal Trany mounts, the plate that goes between the trany and the engine, and the trany are all from the same car. One of the 2 bolt holes has a hole behind it in the metal plate but no hole in the trany behind it and the other bolt hole does not have a hole behind it in the metal plate. Iam very confused, maybe that plate is on backwards but iam pretty sure it only goes on one way.
  21. From Drop Box"> We DE-powered our power steering, basicaly making it into a manual rack. 1. to save weight, the plumbing and pump add a fair amount of weight 2. less crap that can go wrong or fail How you may ask? its simple( iam sure most the guys on here could do it in there sleep if they wanted to) you can do it the hard way or the easy way, for the sake of time I did it the easy way. I removed all the lines, turned the steering wheel from lock to lock about 5 times to get all the fluid out and then plugged up all the holes. The hard way would have been to tear the steering rack appart and take out all the unnecassary seals, regrease everthing then bolt it back together. i figured i would do it the easy way first and then if it didnt work go back in and gut it properly. Hey did any one every notice the Z stamped into the cross member? thats just kind a cool :D
  22. From Drop Box"> Got the engine in this weekend, we also swaped out the auto trany for a nissan 5 speed. Since we are using a differend dizzy now witha internal CAS we were able to ditch the external CAS. But part of the external CAS set up was a triger wheel on the crank pully, does anyone know if it will screw up the balance if I take that trigger wheel of the crank pully? or should i just use a crank pully from a different model that didnt have the trigger wheel on it? also when swaping the tranny i noticed that the transmission supports from the 81 zx were steel and the 82 was alum, nice little weight saving. From Drop Box"> Its been a few weeks since i pulled the 5 speed from the donar car and now that I am bolting it back on things are not quite lining up and i cant figure out why. On the transmission brakets in the picture above, obvioulsy the 2 bolt hole go to the bottom of the engine but the single bolt hole out on the end has no hole behind it when its bolted in place. am i missing something here? isnt that suppose to have a bolt through it that bolts to the tranny??
  23. Sorry If this sounds stupid but you asked how much shipping would be, shipping on what? i dont remember selling you anything

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