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Everything posted by Rustbucket

  1. Thank-you. Yep! That's a 5-speed tranny, and it's actually a 240z, haha! And, that would be Ontario, Canada. Thanks, man! I try to not to get too involved in that whole 'life' thing anyways. Cheers! Yeah, I sort of lucked out with the shop space that I have available to me. Fully enclosed, heated space, with a full lift set-up, and enough room to comfortably work on about 8 cars at a time. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.
  2. Cheers, guys. Always nice to receive a warm welcome!
  3. Thanks, man! Can't say it's going to be a quick build, but you can be damn sure I'll see the thing out. After all, it's my first real in-depth build at the ripe age of 19.
  4. That's about all the pictures I have, but believe me, progress has been steady. I work on it when I feel like it, and am trying to keep it as lighthearted and as fun a build as I possibly can. I find that if I stress on things it just makes me frustrated. As far as future plans go, I'd just like to build it properly the first time and be able to enjoy it for as long as I need to. Here's the vision: shaved bay with a sensible wire tuck, low low on wide-ass 14'' Watanabes, and simply enjoyable. This will be updated as I go, so hopefully someone out there gets a kick out of it. Maybe not, who knows...
  5. First post continued... Look at me go. Weeeee... Decided on an RB20 for reliability, and the thought of 8K RPM's was enticing... Bought some McKinney mounts to put the bitch in place... Bought some other fun stuff for the sake of spending money, and not taking this build seriously enough to care about budgeting... Pair of matching Sparcos which were a similar style to the stock seats, so I was stoked... Parts to let me run S13 coils on all 4 corners for maximum low low... Here's some headlight covers, and my awesome car babes that help me get shit done... Stripping stuff in preparation for cleaning and paint... Bought poly replacement bushings for every single factory bushing on the car...
  6. Edit: As of late winter 2011/2012... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's my story of a rusty car with a bleak future... It all began in December of last year when I was looking for a fun car to play with on weekends, while still retaining my truck as a daily. I wanted a car that was already running, and simply needed some coilovers, rolled fenders, and cool wheels. I bought a car which had none of those, and a great deal more rust than I ever wanted to see on one car. I blew it on that checklist, but at the same time I bought a car a hundred times more fun than anything I had in mind... Here's how she came the day I brought her home to the shop with simple intentions of a motor swap, suspension, and wheels. How foolish of me... The previous owner had kindly left everything disassembled in a barn for me, so it was nice and rusty... I promptly got it inside to start working on it in January, and this next series of pictures is sort of an onslaught of the kind of damage I inflicted on this unsuspecting pop-can of a car... Frame looked like shit, so I started cutting bits of it off to reveal the awesomeness of previous owners... Floors also looked fucked thanks to other people, so those fucked off too... Battery tray looked like a bag of mashed weens, so I cut it out and welded in some new stuff... Gutted 'er to get rid of all the sound deadening in favour of a fresh coat of POR15 once everything's patched and some new material to keep the interior fresh to death...
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