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agentalpha last won the day on December 12 2008

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About agentalpha

  • Birthday 01/28/1973

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  • Location
    Another Time, Another Place
  • Cars
    1973 240Z
  • Interests
    Cars, CFS3, Recreational Substances

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  1. You again? I don't say ANYTHING that I can't prove, or back up. If I'm wrong, so be it. Just because you couldn't convince me you are smarter than me and I should agree with you doesn't make me a hypocrite. I still will make a head for the L6. And all you did was prove the stock KA outflows a ported P90. Go stalk someone else. If you need encouragement, I'll throw a stick for you to chase.
  2. I hate HybridZ, and I'll tell you why. Yes, there IS a HUGE amount of info there. You can find almost anything you need. However,the admin and a few people act like they are Infallible gods who know everything. And don't you DARE say other wise. Bunch site fascists, who couldn't learn anything new, or take correction if their life depended on it. Don't you DARE disagree with what THEY SAY, or THINK, or (GASP! The HORROR!) prove them wrong. I have several times proved several of them either dumb, totally hypocritical, or straight wrong. All it got me was a bunch of site groupies in an uproar, personally attacked by admin, and banned. 1) I quoted a Ford book, concerning head design (I used the term semi-quench), and was berated, even though it wasn't my term. I was an unknown, outside of the "IN" crowd. So I couldn't POSSIBLY know wtf I was talking about, there is no such thing. Well ef you anyways, dumb cattle, #1. 2) They "claim" to frown upon "bench dyno" guesses of HP (if you are not part of the "IN" crowd, anyways). Yet some a-hole over there(TonyD), because he had a huge fan base of internet groupies at HybridZ, made a claim that a 100% untested new casting for a Z intake WILL make more power than anything else before it N/A. I called him out on it, and there was an uproar towards me. Well ef you anyways, dumb cattle, #2. 3) I HATE the G-nose. It's way over hyped, expensive, and fucking hideous like a nurse shark or cat fish. That SAME fucking idiot(who MANY over there act like they can't WAIT to run over and blow him) was yelling I was wrong, even though I linked to the thread of wind tunnel tests at hybridz that PROVE the g nose is LESS aerodynamic than the stock Z. Moron claimed the very simple for even idiots to comprehend drag coefficient numbers needed "interpretation" or some other horse shit like that. Well ef you anyways, dumb cattle, #3. 4) Then, a certain admin was maliciously changing my sig, and profile, and my words, at my expense. I told some lawyer friends about it, showed 'em what was happening, and they were pretty pissed. I just let it slide, though. I was banned for my knowledge twice, and haven't bothered to make a 3rd profile. Self righteous, small minded, hypocritical, dishonorable, Douche bags. Needless to say, FUCK THEM. If I didn't love my Z so much, I'd sell it. Predominantly the Z owners overall have a nasty tendency to be clueless morons, totally, misguidedly convinced, they are "all that, and more". When they really just need their ass beat once or twice. Knock some humility and respect into their thick skulls.
  3. Those are so awesome. I want a B210, because before I was aware of the S. Africa 140Z, I had a similar vision. I knew I wasn't completely crazy. Just wish I could get my hands on one of those. the grills and tail lights are to die for.
  4. Congrats! The mock up looks GREAT!!
  5. SO. I finally got the parts down to my house for de-greasing. I didn't want to stink up the storage building. MAN! I'm glad I did. You can smell that de-grease shit outside. Got the crank REALLY nice and clean. Rods and pistons tomorrow. I tell ya what, those front oil seals make a NASTY mess when they are going out, don't they? WOW. Both of the front covers I have are as nasty as they come. Never seen timing chain covers so caked with thick gunk and filth before, and both of 'em are like that. Also have the nicer(at least as far as dent free) oil pan soaking. I want to get the cover, pan, and exterior bits cleaned and prepped, so I can shoot them the initial coat of red. Took the JDM N42 apart as well. Have a little cleaning and TIG to do on it. Then the port work. Need to TIG a few small sand casting pits on my valve cover as well. Also bought 2 cans of the white 1300-2000 degree silicon/ceramic header paint. I am going to sand and then chemically kill the rust, than coat them uber thick with the paint, then eventually wrap them. But the wrap will have to wait for now. The main thing is killing what rust IS there. Also need to get some thick steel to weld into where the smog bungs are. WTF. It was only 40 bucks, and in very good shape. Those carbs and intake are looking awesome. Pics of all my shenanigans tomorrow.
  6. Ok, Ok. Probably a few 100 thou left. lol I DID say "UNTOUCHED". Very true, Bro. Is experimentation in uncharted waters EVER cheap, OR easy? Even cheaper, I OWN a few N42's. :lol: I'll just let this die, and won't mention it again 'till ti's done.
  7. Standard N42 L6 head. Never been reworked in any way. Seats, guides, no port work. All original as designed. $80 bucks + shipping here @ Ratsun. Going up for $100 + shipping in a few days on CL, and Z sites. Thought I'd offer it here first. NICE unmolested, as factory head. Pics soon.
  8. You may be right, Skib. And my logic may be flawed. My reasons are simply: 1) In yards, how many KA's, and how many P90's(or any L6 heads)? MILLIONS of KA's floating around. Probably a few thousand untouched L6 heads left. 2)Which one will breath and flow better? It's that dang simple. Might be a lofty goal, but one I am very anxious to explore. But we can continue to question, warp and distort the validity of the experiment 'till the cows come home. I posted this thread looking for VALID technicalities for consideration. NOT someone trying way too hard to beat me over the head why it shouldn't be done. If anyone cares to note all of the exchange, they will easily see why I lost my cool. Rather obvious. Regurgitation of technicalities don't make you smart, or a contributing conversationalist. And I don't like being misquoted, or my words distorted, warped, or ignored. Especially over and over and over, for someone else's online ego masturbation. Rude, manipulative, and selfish.
  9. No No, Bro! No stepping!:D ALL GOOD! And for a handful of us to put some effort into an idea would make it MUCH more worthwhile for all of us, and much more fun. I like the idea, but it might be a bit much for complete strangers to commit to. Sounds more like an organized club event to me, which I'm down for that as well.
  10. Go back and read the whole thread. DON'T tell me to chill when some fuckwad Ruined a very valid thread being an I think I know it all I'll keep spouting off irrelevant nonsense to hear myself talk and to piss you off fucking Asshole. The WHOLE God damn thread he did this shit. You win, Dickhead. You found my limit of patience. YAY YOU! What a HERO. You are AWESOME!~ CONFUCKINGRATS. Do us all a favor, and don't say anything in my posts if you aren't going to USE your (if any) Brain, Common sense, (Here's the BIG one)READING COMPREHENSION, or pay attention to what's been said, or to what you type. Go over to HybridZ. They LOVE that BS. I was speaking of the amount that needs to be shaved. I THOUGHT it was .100, but don't really care what the actual amount is, to use a P90 in a N/A application. No more turbo use for every single one that's sliced like that. Let others ruin parts. Not me.
  11. The single cam KA head has WAY more potential than a ruined P90. My Port job won't ruin it. Shaving 100 Thou off of the deck will, for it's designed purpose, forcing it to be a N/A head. KA heads are are way more common as well. How many KA's in any yard? How many P90's in the same? Ok, dumb fuck, GET IT NOW? And, you REALLY need to fucking pay attention, asshole. I'm tired of repeating myself 'cause you pull shit I didn't say, or that is nowhere near fact, outta your ass. Getting REALLY fucking annoying. You making huge effort to try and discredit me as your hobby really creeps me out. Find another hobby, or person to stalk. Har har. Fuck Off.
  12. THANK you. Funny you mention that, as you ignored it the whole time. Maybe I did. Sorry. Got tired of talking to a wall. Oh yeah, showed me again, but good. MOST can't handle the hard truths, are have the backbone to take any action. That's why this country is so fucked. But it's all propaganda. I don't like ARROGANT LAWBREAKERS taking from MY family...AND? RUIN a block? UHHHH.... Goodbye.
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