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ArchetypeDatsun last won the day on March 9 2012

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About ArchetypeDatsun

  • Birthday 05/18/1985

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  • Location
    Medford, Oregon
  • Cars
    72 521, 74 610 sedan, 79 810 Wagon, 82 Maxima Turbo, 87 Nissan Van
  • Interests
    Datsuns and nothing but Datsuns!!!

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  1. At a gas station a couple roll in a 74 710 2dr sedan I been eyeing there car for years there selling it lets just say it ain't cheap and poor car sounds like it barely runs. Got there number maybe try to buy it if not I'll pass on the number to anyone interested.

    1. MikeRL411


      Just as clear as the original posting! Let's use a common apprfoach to "Common" or as least "Queen's English" or be silent!

    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      It's just a status, don't take it so hard it ain't a dick.

    3. Rjawm


      "Just as clear as the original posting! Let's use a common apprfoach to "Common" or as least "Queen's English" or be silent!"


      Always funny when the perfect can't proofread their own posts...

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