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ArchetypeDatsun last won the day on March 9 2012

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About ArchetypeDatsun

  • Birthday 05/18/1985

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  • Location
    Medford, Oregon
  • Cars
    72 521, 74 610 sedan, 79 810 Wagon, 82 Maxima Turbo, 87 Nissan Van
  • Interests
    Datsuns and nothing but Datsuns!!!

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  1. This really sucks I hit a dodge ram today at yield at a off ramp he was going and I was looking for incoming traffic when I ready to go he decides to slam his brakes and of course I hit my brakes but still manage to hit him on the passenger corner and fucker my hood and fender. Gonna be a bitch to repair or find a new hood and fender.

    1. MikeRL411


      Rear end collisions rely end up favorable for the "ass ender", sorry!

    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      Yeah that's what I was afraid of when I got out the car to look at it and he didn't care since his truck was big but I gotta admit the 810 is pretty tough.

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