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ArchetypeDatsun last won the day on March 9 2012

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About ArchetypeDatsun

  • Birthday 05/18/1985

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    Medford, Oregon
  • Cars
    72 521, 74 610 sedan, 79 810 Wagon, 82 Maxima Turbo, 87 Nissan Van
  • Interests
    Datsuns and nothing but Datsuns!!!

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  1. Fuck! Same fricken problem again last night I disconnected my battery to check a headlight that didn't work connected everything back exactly the same and now it won't start? I checked all fusible links they all look fine all my battery cables are good everything is hooked up the same battery is pretty new and was working fine yesterday.

    1. H5WAGON


      Can you bump the starter...Maybe your switch is going bad. I have to mine just right or won't start sometimes.

    2. H5WAGON


      Do mine just right...


      U know how to do screwdriver jump right? :)

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      Yeah you touch both negative to positive at the same time, but the thing is that not of my lights nor interior lights nothing at all works I turn the key and nothing.

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