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ArchetypeDatsun last won the day on March 9 2012

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About ArchetypeDatsun

  • Birthday 05/18/1985

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  • Location
    Medford, Oregon
  • Cars
    72 521, 74 610 sedan, 79 810 Wagon, 82 Maxima Turbo, 87 Nissan Van
  • Interests
    Datsuns and nothing but Datsuns!!!

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. I not a huge Facebook person at all only have it contact my distant family and friends i hardly see, well what else is it good for to post my car for sale and god damn i got hit up left and right theres even a guy from mexico that is thinking of picking it up.

    1. PrimeLuxeZ


      Thats awesome dude, well if I don't get it, hopefully someone who loves Z's also will love it.

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