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About Zeusimo

  • Birthday 08/05/1994

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  • Location
    Turlock, CA
  • Cars
    1973 Datsun PL610W 1978 Datsun HLG620 1971 240Z
  • Interests
    My El Camino <3

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  1. Thinking Aboot Selling Everything I Have.. And Moving To Japan

    1. DAT510


      Do it..

      I'd envy you forever.


      Do you know Japanese?

    2. MikeRL411


      Just loose all idea of comparing Yen to US Dollars. Today 1000 yen is about US $12,50, in the 1960s it was $2,78. See what inflation can do? When I go to Jpan, anything costing 10,000 yen is reasonable because I automatically factor in inflation. It's $28.00, not the current $125.00. If you are depending on money transfers from the USA good luck, you would need to have a marketable skill in Japan. English language tutoring is a marketable skill, suitable academic...

    3. Zeusimo


      I've Been To Japan 3 Times

      Longest Was 3 Months

      I Don't Really See A Problem

      I Know A Few Teachers In Japan That Can Hook Me Up

      The Only Thing That Worries Me Is A $2000 Flight

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