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  • Cars
    510 4 door, 410 & 521 ute
  • Interests
    Surfing, skateboarding, basketball and ofcourse cars

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  1. NPR

    410 Fender Badge

    Time Left: 2 days and 12 hours

    • WANTED
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    Hi everyone, I'm just chasing a Bluebird 410 fender badge. My car has one and the other is just not there. Call out if anyone can assist. Cheers!

    Ask for price

    - AU

  2. NPR

    Blank 521 VIN plates?

    That's perfect!!! May I ask what his details are so I can contact him for some? Cheers!
  3. NPR

    Blank 521 VIN plates?

    I never ended up finding someone that could do it unfortunately but I also aren't ready for one on my build
  4. NPR

    J13 swap for L18

    Hey guys, I'm thinking of pulling out the J13 and replacing it with a L18 that I have. Will the L18 bolt up to the existing 4 speed on the tree? Will I need to move engine mounts? I k ow about taking out the radiator bracket. Cheers
  5. NPR

    Blank 521 VIN plates?

    Awesome idea, cheers
  6. Yeah true, it's crazy how hard it all is to find. I have a 521 ute as well so it just makes it twice as hard to find things ahahaha
  7. Hey guys, I've just bought a 64 410 and finding parts in Australia is crazy. Even headed to the local spare parts guy and he couldn't help. Does anyone have any handy tips on where or who to contact for parts? Mainly need engine and suspension parts right now just to tidy things up. Just thought to put it out there and see if anyone has had any luck. Cheers!
  8. Wow there you go lol he's good but not that good ahahaha
  9. Here you go. After him telling me that he lived in Western Australia, whilst trying to sell me something that I found in Greece on Ebay, he then sent this dodgy licence bwahahahaha When you zoom in there are so many bad bits, I just laughed.
  10. Yeah 100% scammer, you should see the dodgy edited license he sent me to try and make himself sound legit lol
  11. No I wasn't, but I will be soon. Thanks mate, cheers!!! I'll check them out now.
  12. Yeah, that's him. Seems to good to be true so it probably is ahahaha Thanks mate, I appreciate it.
  13. Thanks for that, glad to know. From looking inside the door on the passenger side it does look like they have cut the handle and pocket out sapping it with the 720. Yeah so hard to know what is legit and what is a scam these days. Certainly makes me think twice before handing the money over. Cheers
  14. I pulled the other doors trim off over the weekend and on that side, I can see where something has been welded. I then contacted the last owner and he confirmed that they had been changed but he wasn't sure to what either lol I may have to stick with them. They sound painful if they break that easy, probably why mine aren't standard anymore ahaha I'll pull them apart more and see if I can work out what they're off. I wanted a box tub but I agree, it's going to be way too hard to try and track one of those down over here for sure. I think I will just have to suck it up and press on with what ever door handles it has for now. I have made contact with a guy called George Moses on Datsun cars/parts group on Facebook and he has a fair few parts. Just always worries me about not being able to see the parts in person before I send money. Cheers!!!
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