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    Datsun 510
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    music and cars

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  1. edited as problem is now sorted..i hope, also i am having difficulty navigating the website today!
  2. shoot...they must be filled in then because the only holes are on the front fenders..i guess i'll leave the trims for now, kinda like the clean look anyway
  3. I have a pair of these ready to go on my 2 door. I have the spring clips and bolts too. There seems to only be a bolt hole on the front fender area both on the car and on the trim. There are no holes elsewhere on the trim pieces or on the car. Is it literally a case of just sticking them on with adhesive? What purpose do the spring clips provide?
  4. anyone got a blanking plate for a 510? or want to sell a 3d print of one? thanks
  5. Time Left: 9 days and 21 hours

    • WANTED
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    I need a bracket for one of the rear window clasps for a 2 door 510. I am also seeking the brackets to secure the center console for the 510. I have included pics of both sets of brackets

    Ask for price

  6. While stripping my interior to fit new carpet, I discovered the metal area under the rear seat is very pitted looking and crumbly. I've done a magnet and screwdriver test everywhere and apart from one very small hole which is about 1mm it seems solid. What's the best course of action to tackle this? Will I have do this section of the car underneath too? Can I get away with treating it in the interior only? I have no ramps or lifts so it's gonna be tricky to get under. The main floor pans are completely solid and there's no pitting or signs of rust.
  7. sorry to bump an old thread but my car has this console but it's not mounted at all, don't know if there should be a bracket underneath to mount to or it should just bolt straight though the floor? does anyone have a diagram of this part?
  8. i've covered that open line up already with some tape and ordered some new pipe...i tried refitting the original but it's all crumbly and rotten! also ordered a new gasket for the gas cap as the one on there at present is completely perished which probably doesn't help with things.. thank you guys :) (this is the pipe that is supposed to go in that open line, it leads out through the trunk floor)
  9. ship of theseus comes to mind with this...incredible work!
  10. sorry I should have explained the car is originally from Japan also @KELMO i have not removed anything yet, everything is as i bought it so not sure what work has been done
  11. here's the pics, also i can't get underneath to take fuel line pics at the moment, my back is hurting a lot @datzenmike @thisismatt should the pipe that goes through the floor be connected to the opening on the top left that has nothing over it?
  12. I can't see any leaks in or around the car but the interior stinks of gas and it's making me feel lightheaded...lifted the carpets and i'm not 100% sure what's going on here but does this setup look correct? I assume this is the wiring for the fuel pump running along the floor and then squashed under the rear seat (I hope it's not actually a fuel line lol) - and then I have two plugs just laying on the trunk floor near the fuel tank.. Battery etc are completely disconnected as i'm scared of any kind of spark with the stench of gas. I can take more photos if it helps
  13. excuse the bad photoshop, but basically the pins like this? and the things i've circled are the cancellers? thanks
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