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  1. I may have been out to your place to buy some windows for my Mobile Traveler and a front sway bar for my Dodge chassis. It would have been decades ago. I am interested but leaving town soon on a mission
  2. RetroRocket

    Vg30 intake

    Who said anything about North America?
  3. e-mail using is: samson.2millard@gmail.com happening in real time
  4. I have on on the hook right now. I recognize this particular ruse by the successively smaller font script with subsequent correspondences. sound familiar to any readers?
  5. I bought a car a year ago from an individual who had a similar story. The car had been moved around town from body shop, to engine transplant, to different body shop........and so on and then the last guy said he had a lien on the car! So he had to do a legal battle. It was a somewhat hilarious story, even the seller thought so. He had a chance to be on 'Judge Judy' with his case but he'd had enough of it. It is in a ready-to-paint condition (or ready to wrap?). 1953 Studebaker Starliner Coupe (a Loewy design coupe). I always wanted one ever since I lived in South Bend, Indiana [where the main Studebaker plant was and I was a kid].
  6. That's good advice. Plus getting to the crux of a trouble shoot takes you on a journey. Once you know how something works: you know how to fix it (or modify it.).
  7. I hesitated to confront because I don't want to insult a valid member/ad response. But my gut meter has alerted me to several of these and I was right about the fraud. Meanwhile, I think I'll pull my wtb ad. One less stressor I don't need.
  8. We should form a list of all of the e-mail addresses involved and contact PayPal as a group with complaint. Can anyone here check ISP's (in case they might have left their VPN off)?
  9. I may have one on the hook right now, I'll see. I just asked for photos of item.
  10. Also, I noticed that the grammar was off in the correspondence. That is often a tell-tale sign of a scam.
  11. I have had the same thing happen x 3 here within the past month. The classifieds are becoming useless for that reason. Someone will respond to your ad and say they know someone and give the e-mail address of the third party. If you write the third party you have just opened the door to PayPal fraud because you provided some of your PayPal account info (your e-mail address).
  12. RetroRocket

    Vg30 intake

    You do mean the VG30 carb'd, not VG30i TBI right?
  13. Time Left: 22 hours and 46 minutes

    • WANTED
    • USED

    I'm on a budget and I can wait for the right price. Thanks.

    Ask for price

    Seattle, Washington - US

  14. Above I'm referring to a single camshaft engine re LSA and overlap fixed by cam grind. Those parameters do change with dohc. If only one VVT gear/pulley is used it is put on the intake cam. With single cam it is only the basic principle: cam advance for low end; cam retard at high rpm. With dohc there are far more dynamic effects of varying the LSA and overlap. A single cam variable valve timing device might benefit a turbo application moreso than n/a application. idnk.
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