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Everything posted by Labubre

  1. jegs will have the by Sept 26. will wait...
  2. checking with Jegs as i found many listing not up to date... thanks!
  3. yes those ones... Look what happenned during reassembly...even applying the relative low torque as per French manual i got
  4. Hi, Seems this part is hard to find right now... Would be keen to buy a set-up i would need to finalize the rebuild of my engine. Oversea shipment if possible but if too painful, i can get an adress within US. Thanks Seb
  5. Yes have a SSS engine Looking like attached Should be identified as 11828-22001
  6. Hi, Any update one this one? Neel L16 PCV Hose or any validated altarnative
  7. Finally ordered at NissanPart.Online.com (Canada based! 🙂 ) Hoping inventory was up to date...
  8. Mine looks exactly like the one held in someone's hand!
  9. https://postimg.cc/t1LJ3yyB
  10. Mike you rule!!! You know it Already contacted Another challenge? Need also PCV hose that S/N is 11828-22001 Found it on NissanPart.Online.com Just to be sure there is no other place i could find it...
  11. Hi, Got a 510 SSS with L16 and Hitachi carbs with above ref. Any source or alternative found for a carb seal kit? Thanks Seb
  12. rebuilding the engine right now...but will be next anybody went for vogtland lowering spring 9161044?
  13. Oh! temperature gauge is working...
  14. Hi! Some updates about gas gauge. Reminder of my issue: There is gas in the tank. Should be 70-80% full. Since some seatbelts have been installed i noticed that the gauge was reading "FULL" all the time. Before bringing car to the garage, i saw the gauge being below the "F" level. Since then: - Gauge reads more than "FULL" totally at the right side - If i disconnect the yellow wire from the tank -> it does the same - If i ground this yellow wire -> it does the same Now i removed instrument panel and i am looking for a way to test the fuell gauge... If somebody can let me know how to test the fuel guage from here. Thanks!
  15. Today, make it with instrument panel removal...did not noticed the 2 screws near/above gauges... Got the 3 wires connector for left/right indicator arrows light. Black/GreenRed/GreenBlack When activating turn signals... Green/Red i got 6V + rpm gauge red backlight flashing Green/Black got NOTHING! + rpm gauge red backlight flashing (will check if flashing slower...) Will continue to dig that way. Fuel tank -> tomorrow
  16. Add-on regarding turn signal YES, front/rear driver's side lights are all working fine. Perhaps flashing too fast... Front/passenger side (front & side amrker) are showing a very weak signal. Bulbs are OK Rear/passenger side, all bulbs are new a socket cleaned with vinegar. Full harness tested OK. No voltage at connector while i get some for driver's side tailight. Fuse box cleaned. Gas gauge Will do what you guys recommend. Thanks. Is the sender unit what i see behind the yellow/black wire? Can i remove it safely even with gas in tank? 🙄 Radio Will remove it soon as not the stock one. Will hide hole with plastic piece. 8 track tape player still here but not for long Will update soon. Thanks guys
  17. Want to go and inspect wiring of turn signal and tank gauge as something's might be wrong here. Consequence being that my passenger side turn signal are working but very weak. Gauge indicator also stop working. So either the turn signal indicator bulb is burnt or i don't know yet!!! I was able to remove 2 screws on left hand side, and 4 screws at the bottom...cluster cover seems to move, close to be free but not quite. Note i also removed central console panel (radio), which i am not sure that was necessary... Is there a trick or hidden screw somewhere? Don't want to break it
  18. Anybody found a manufacturer for front/rear 510 bumpers? No that ZcarDepot/Futofab are dealing some but stocks are upon MOQ... Was able to find one for Z bumpers, but got none for 510 Anybody?
  19. my bad, i meant 2 wires...single spot at the bottom of the bulb
  20. Hi Looking for a single wire socket for tail lights turn signals. Got one totally rusted and not sure i will recover it with vinegar/water...try on going. As this could explain my front/back turn signal issue, looking for replacement part. On Rockauto, i can find 2 wire socket, but not the single one i need. Did anybody try the Echlin LS6255 available on NAPA...looks similare but MAPA states that not compatible with my 70 510. https://www.napaonline.com/en/p/ECHLS6255?impressionRank=6 Found a great alternative....in Australia. For full info it is NARVA 49826 https://www.narva.com.au/products/49826 Anybody has something to share? Thanks
  21. Have some difficulties to identy all component inside my hood... Have a disconnected 4 pin connector near the voltage regulator (i do know this one!) And just below the fuse box, i would like to know what are those 2 things with a big yellow dot onto. Then i could try to identify these 2 disconnected wires...
  22. Hi, 70 european 1600/510 sss Probably 68/69 wiring diagrams Got the car for few month and passed local MOT with success. Lights were OK, turn signal were OK. Following seat belts installation (front/rear), i realized i have lost turn signal on passenger side front & rear. Also lost the fuel gauge indicator that was working for sure. When passenger (right) side turn signal is activated, light is not even flashing on instrument panel and i got a low blinking frequency sound but no lights, whereas for driver side got all lights and can hear a high blinking frequency sound Test done on turn signals: - change all rear bulbs -> no effect - exchange driver/passenger tail light harness -> no effect - clean fuse box and change all fuses -> no effect - uninstall combination switch and clean everything up to connector -> nothing This afternoon while the car was in the dark, i could see a weak light on passenger/front directional and side directional light. Bulb are OK but very weak signal i could missed at daylight! But the passenger/tail light remains OFF. Looking for ideas to test to keep me busy on November 1st! Thanks Seb
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