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  • Location
    Central Louisiana
  • Cars
    2007 Infiniti g35 coupe, 1983 Nissan 720
  • Interests
    Enthusiast of all vehicles Datsun, Nissan, and Infiniti.

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  1. Alright I watched the guy's original video on the machining, dimensions, etc. and I think I understand it now. The actual knuckle part of the spindle is slightly different because of the caliper mounting position but the spindle itself is the same. Thank yall for the info, I just needed to look at the info from a different direction.
  2. The website I looked on said that it only worked on 85 and newer spindles were completely different from the 85 and 86 ones because the mounting holes were in different places. I don't see why they wouldn't be the same since they're on the same truck but the website the guy has that machines them says they're different.
  3. Hey everyone, I'm looking into doing a 5 lug Toyota conversion on my 720. Mine's an 83 and based on the research I've done, hardbody spindles/drop spindles only work with 85 and 86 720s. I'd like to go with machined Toyota hubs but I'm not sure what to do about the spindles. There's so much info that it's hard to just wrap my head around. What options do I have with an 83 hub? Is it possible to change a few suspension components and put a hardbody spindle on?
  4. Thank y'all very much, I'm just gonna leave it how it is
  5. So I don't actually need them? Honestly it might save a headache, a disk rear conversion is something I'll be doing at some point anyway, so if it's not necessary I'll probably pass on buying the stuff.
  6. I'll look up those parts tonight, thank y'all so much! I have a new carbouretors coming in and then the brake adjuster stuff should be the last thing before I get it on the road. The adjusters themselves move freely but I'd rather get a fresh pair. The parts I really need are the cable itself and the piece that the cable rests against. The previous owner cut the cable because it got stuck, which was why he stopped driving it. Pulled all the driver side brake components and everything. So I'll have to order a new cable at some point. I have the new shoes and hardware in. Just want to get the adjuster stuff before I go through the hassle of putting. The components back in.
  7. I need the actual cable and the piece the wire sits on. I have the rest of the parts but they probably need to be replaced too honestly.
  8. I looked on there, I found the hardware kit and shoes but no adjusters
  9. Does anyone know any part numbers for any self adjuster kits for the rear drums? seems like none of the parts places have any and all of the other kits I find are for American stuff. I've seen a few that look like the same parts I need but the websites say they wont fit. Are there any kits for other brands that might fit? It's an 83 Nissan 720 but the actual brakes look like they're from a newer model based on some of the parts in them and my repair manual.
  10. Ok I'll get the app when I get home. Thanks for the help everyone, I'll post an update once I get everything put back together!
  11. Ok it let me insert the links, will this work? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IZIJs3ta_aaFQD14fl71-cQOwsad_kI7/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ibz14trYesGp7kB6jpYjo3J_6CB8xe0M/view?usp=drivesdk
  12. Sorry for the late response, some unexpected things came up. I looked at the owners manual the other day and it turns out it's a 1983 and not a 1984. How do I attach files? I see you have to insert via a link. I tried uploading through Google drive but it did not work.
  13. I did a little research last night and I'm starting to kinda understand how the stuff works, I just bought some carb cleaner and marvel mystery oil from the parts store. I'll take some better pictures of the carb later but some of the seals seem shot. Might need a rebuild kit, but I'll get y'all's opinions first. I tried adjusting the accelerator cable but it didn't really do anything. I'm not sure if I was just adjusting it wrong or if there was a problem in the carburetor itself. Like I said, I really don't know much about carbouretors since this is the first carboureted vehicle I've ever really gotten to play around with. Would it help y'all if I took some videos of any parts moving from any specific angles? My grandpa knows more about that kind of stuff and he's coming Saturday to come look at it and help with the drum brakes.
  14. Also what components make up the idle circuit? I haven't heard of an idle circuit until I started doing research on these trucks.
  15. Oh I thought there was a jet for idle and a bigger jet for higher rpm. Well I got the manifold off and the carb taken off of the manifold and when I pull the throttle cable, only one valve opens on the bottom. I noticed part of what looks like the linkage for the other valve wasn't connected, but after I reconnected it it still didn't move.
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