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Jakes Makes

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    521, a pile of 510 parts
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    Making cool stuff

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  1. IG is best https://www.instagram.com/jakes_makes/
  2. Pricing on a full set with two brake lights and the two reverse lights would be about $200 shipped
  3. Whether clear or OEM style I typically do $220 with free shipping in the US. For Canada I can run a quote if you're interested.
  4. Gene I got everything going again if you wanted to buy a batch I could do wholesale on 5 sets.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/jdmmarketplace/ https://www.jdm-marketplace.com/ $40 to sell, $20 to show.
  6. https://www.jdm-marketplace.com/ https://www.instagram.com/jdmmarketplace/ $40 for vendors and $20 to show. $40 for vendors and $20 to show.
  7. In case anyone wants some inspiration...
  8. The stars aligned and I am finally able to sell complete sets of 521 clear or OEM colored lenses if anyone is interested. I can also sell separately if needed.
  9. I was thinking about making them previously and the plan I came up with was to use some small steel angle and cut it at 45* and weld it up. The only more challenging part was how to get the studs welded on the inside without creating clearance issues during assembly.
  10. Some clear coupe tail lights I did about a month ago, if anyone needs a set I can do em in red, clear or add tints for special colors if you wanna get freaky.
  11. If its https://www.instagram.com/jakes_makes/?hl=en then thats me!
  12. Just discovered this thread and was pleasantly surprised to see so many 610 folks. If anyone is in search of turn signals or markers for the US models LMK I make em in orange, red, or clear. Driver side turn signal does have a little blem where the reflector was broken on the original part but its glued back together.
  13. Oh yeah I work with Scott! He's a good dude.
  14. 3d printing technology is making incredible strides but in my opinion its still not sufficient for lens manufacturing for automotive use. These are cast from a clear urethane with UV inhibitors and tint added. That's how I'm able to get the killer surface finishes and clarity.
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