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About cosmo

  • Birthday 05/16/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    milwaukie or
  • Cars
    82 210, 2x 69 521,71 521, 05 cummins 4x4 4door 6 speed short bed
  • Interests
    building cars, drifting, breaking cars, and building them.
  • Occupation
    diesel engine builder.

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  1. It's still alive, I am not the current owner, I did offer this to a good friend who drove one of my trucks and trailers to help move me to Texas from Oregon. He has given new life and brought it back and I want him to continue this thread. I had it in a tube front end and had made custom engine mounts he has it up and going and I want him to further the project on here
  2. P.s. cage outside is better I roll every or every other time out and my cage went thru the cab with a tube rising sun headache rack, needless to say cant change cab... no windshield...
  3. Life always gets too busy, my truck build is long since been deleted but this thing looks awesome, I went a different way with just puting toyota stuff crammed in a 521, was much easier getting those duals with 4.7's. I skipped a few, are you going to do full hydro steering?
  4. haha yeah, i was thinking about that. haha. most of the problem was with full hydraulic steering there is no feed back nor do the wheels return to center.... so sadly i never got to go straight...in the second photo from the bottom you can see how far i held it before i turned it into the bank. i went a little hot into the first corner and slid a little sideways. haha
  5. yeah why not, its as strong as a toyota axle. the 4.10 (toyota) is the strongest from what i have seen, also the fastest (unfortunatly), i run them for strength and gear my tranfer cases (yes more than one with 4.7's in the back case) for a final drive of over 207:1, so way the heck down for crawling and thats with stock axle shafts . doesnt help that i am running 40 inch tires either. however the l16 has a 4.375 ratio in their rear end and i have a few of those laying around here. i will go take some measurements for my brother. but at least i have them here and we dont have to buy anything haha. and at minimum the 521 was rated as half ton rear end.... he wont be pulling that nor can he fit a half ton of anything in the car. and he wont have enough traction to shear the shaft off at the splines because the car doesnt weigh enough. haha i think it will be able to handle it. if need be we can make something else. any ideas on it? more than happy to for more information on the actual strength of the datsun axles?
  6. nice, i love the work and how short it is. i just ran the axle haha. i thought it fit just fine.
  7. also you dont need to narrow a toyota axle for a 521. it fits just fine unless you have crazy wheels, however this thing with something skinny,i was thinking a 320 axle or a 521 axle
  8. i wanted to surprise atom with fixing the head lights before he go home. fixing the bezel had a stripped screw
  9. atom actually helping. even if its just the fun stuff...
  10. and no mike, its air oiver hydro so i just welded feet to the stand, going to put some casters on it soon so i can move it around.. haha
  11. bed building! top bed rail angle bottom bed rail angle. pretty dang close. haha within 1/100th of a degree. :thumbup:
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