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Drahzzel last won the day on October 21 2010

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About Drahzzel

  • Birthday 01/02/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Orland, Ca
  • Cars
    '80 200sx, '02 VW Passat, '87 300zx
  • Interests
    Fantasy, Cars, Video games, people/society watching
  • Occupation
    Quality Control

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  1. I went to Wyotech a few years ago and graduated pretty much at the top of my class as an EagleTech. Granted, there were a lot of people that graduated that probably should not have. There was a lot of hands on stuff to learn, but I left school 35k in debt and feeling as if my education was lacking. I learned more about wiring, dyno tuning, and aftermarket ECU's than getting into the grit of an engine. I helped build a 454" and blew up a b16 civic mid tuning session, yet still felt something was missing. I believe what was missing was the confidence you have now in knowing what you know. Even then I got a job right out of school as a lube tech paying 9.50/hr. as a lube tech at the Toyota dealership near me. I loved the work, but hated the politics of the work. A lot of the people didn't like me right from the get-go since they had never hired a Wyotech person, strictly UTI. I lasted a month at that job since I couldn't put up with their BS and lies (were they seriously trying to tell me I didn't tighten the oil drain plug on nearly every car I worked on?!), but got another job less than a month later. With two kids, funds were tight for a while, but you gotta make due with what you have and not give up. Are you gettin' shafted? You're damn right you are, but your choices will be: take what you have and make the best of it, attempt to get a raise in some way (definitely should get more for having your own tools), or find something else. Jobs are definitely out there, but they may not be to your liking. Use this job as experience and always keep trying to better yourself. If you don't go to school, I recommend lots of reading. May not be the same as a diploma to some people, but I've found I don't need a diploma from a college to know my shit compared to someone who does. Good luck.
  2. Why can't the good 200sx's make it to where i'm at? Been looking for that damn driver's side fender for two years! <_<
  3. Man, makes me wish I lived closer, would have bought near all of it . :lol:
  4. Drahzzel

    burning oil

    Although running a PCV system is generally a good idea, if yours is currently capped, the PCV isn't the problem. Blue smoke due to the PCV is usually when you have the check valve and it either gets stuck open or breaks internally. I'm guessing you got some oil slipping past the rings, but you should hope it is only the valve seals as that's easier to deal with.
  5. The progress on this bird is nothing short of amazing everything looks great. :lol: When do you find time to sleep?:P
  6. Considering that they use these engines for the Super GT GT-R and 350Z there is no shortage of epic with a VK45. B)
  7. It is, but when i get can get a deal on a super cheap wrecked Altima with a good motor is there anything that should keep me from passing it by in favor or a 240sx or Hardbody motor?
  8. I've been searching around here on the forums but have yet to find the answer as I cannot narrow the search enough for what I want. What I'd like to know is, aside from obvious reasons, what would be the difference in using the KA from an Altima as opposed to the 240 or Hardbody. I know I will need the ECU and wiring from a 240 most likely, but is there anything specific that makes the Altima KA unusable?
  9. Welcome to Ratsun! Glad to see another S110 owner around. :D
  10. So my driver seat is completely thrashed to the point that it was uncomfortable to sit in. From the collective experience we have here does anyone know what kind of seats will fit into it? I really wanted a set of 240sx or b13 Sentra seats, but after checking them out at the JY it doesn't seem like they will work as they are side mounted. If anyone knows of a way to get this to work, please let me know. The spacing is perfect on these, but do not believe they will work...please correct me if I am wrong.
  11. Unfortunately the Z20 is still in the car. I'm trying to save money to get a ka24de. Until then it's my current motor, sorry.
  12. Why all the negativity? I understand massive camber may not be the thing of a lot of the people here, but there are different styles than just what the majority of what most here like. I'm pretty sure he realizes that with massive camber comes horrendous tire wear, but that's the style he's going for. It's amazing to think that because a person owns a Honda, they instantly become stereotyped as being ricers and quite a few of you are quick to cut a person down for this reason. As for IRS, what datzenmike and HRH said is true. Between the cost, the fab skills needed, and the time needed for such an undertaking, most end up giving up, which is what a lot of people on this forum hate to see. One option would be to use the rear setup from an S13, but you would be making it wider by quite a bit and would need the fab skills and time to do this or the money to have someone else do it. For examples on this you can check out this link: 620 Warmachine
  13. Multiple Updates: The carpet need some major love since it had a giant pothole right where you would rest your feet as the driver as well as 30 years of funk. A bit of rust on the passenger side rear foot area and a bunch of dirt and grime later I began to fit the new carpet in. Still need to cut all the holes for the seats, seat belts, and console, but otherwise fairly straightforward. Also found another donor vehicle at Pick-N-Pull, this time an '81 hatch. Got the front apron thingy that goes under the lights as well as the headlight plastic and side marker that I have been missing since getting the car. Pretty stoked to find those. Speedometer, I found recently, was broken internally as well as the needle snapping off so I pulled that out as well as the tachometer. I have been driving around for about a year and a half without a speedometer or odometer so I'm curious to know how fast I will actually be moving. No speeding tickets yet thankfully. :D The tach I didn't really need, but it is not faded like mine and looks remarkably bright still. Also got a new driver side seat belt since mine was all frayed and just asking to break and get a ticket for being not safe..heh. Edit: Carpet is kinda odd....it seems it's blue in some lighting, yet teal in other...meh...it'll serve it's purpose for the time being.
  14. Lol...that commercial is epic! Just wish my S110 looked as good, sans hair of course ;p....*sigh*...back to work..heh
  15. I know it may be a bit late for this, but I had this happen recently as well on my 200SX. I actually found the stop under the carpet as I was tearing it out and thought I'd post a pic as some people seemed confused as to what it was. now to find some duct tape and a penny ;p
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