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Posts posted by goatee

  1. For people wanting covers to wiring radio shack sells mountable boxes they label "Project Enclosures" typically used for pc and electronic stuff but would probably work for covering up crazy wiring messes. They have all kinds of shapes and sizes.

    I'm hopeful that maybe this summer I'll start a ka swap and will definitely be ordering one of these if I get that accomplished. Great stuff!

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  2. Lower state housing

    for 510s 11061-21000(no hole)

    11061-P0300(with bypass hole)


    Nut Holds stock brass sender 16mm 25251-37700


    best opetion is to get a L20 lowr houing as they have maybe 2 outlets to use.



    nothing wrong with the stock temp gauge.



    What happens is the 16mm nut that holds the brass sender is usually corrode in the housing and one tries to take it off it will crack. So if you dont have extra housing I would avoid trying to pull one out unless neccesary



    Awesome thanks hainz. I believe the housing I'm getting is l20, it should show up today I think. I looked for the wiring (just a little bit) for the stock gauge and I think he may have clipped and tucked it somewhere. Can't find anything that would have been long enough.


  3. Short version

    I have an upper thermostat housing on the way. Anyone happen to know what the thread should be? I assumed metric but someone told me they might be british standard. I'd like to use and aftermarket temp guage I bought that has standard and some metric adapters.

    Long version

    The reason I ask is because my original one had an aftermarket standard in it that wasn't working when I got the car. A friend of mine gave me one of his and actually put it in for me while I was doing something else, also standard. Well his didn't last long because I never secured it to anything so I was replacing it again the right way this time. At some point the thermostat housing cracked because I no longer have anything to thread into thus the replacement. Obviously I'd rather not do that again.

  4. I bought some fuses and headed for my buddies house. We got out his meter (missing a cord for mine) and quickly found that one fuse that looked fine wasn't. Swapped that out, cleaned things up a bit and followed the wiring diagram and plugged all the wiring back into the plastic cap. We got a couple backwards and the motor ran when off instead of on lol. Another fuse later and we noticed if you clean the wiper motor a little better the wiring matches on the other side of the plug. Switched a couple around and VIOLA, slow and slower wipers! Still like I said blazingly fast compare to no wipers. :D


    Unfortunately on the way to his house I developed a heck of a vibration under load which I'm hoping like heck is u joints and not rear end. So my next set of posts will surely be about that. I'm checking it out after work and he had to give me a ride home.

  5. I was just glad one of the 3 motors I bought worked and actually two of them did. The other one just jerks once when you hit it with power so I suppose it might work after some cleaning.

    I know the stock wiper motor is considered slow but it will be light years faster than NOTHING. :D

  6. Ok cool thakns Hainz. Looks like my block has gone without a cover for quite awhile so it needs cleaned anyway. I have an electronics buddy who is hopefully going to help me sort this and give me some more lessons.

    Thanks for the tip on the back side I'll be sure we check.

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