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About 68Datsun510

  • Birthday 09/22/1985

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  • Location
    Pine Grove, CA
  • Cars
    69 Datsun 510 4 door, 2002 Xterra 4x4, 2005 Nissan Titan, 1991 Nissan Sentra SE-R
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    "eye in the sky"

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Followed a nice 521 all the way thru town and down a road, tried to get him to pull over, nothing. Sped up if anything down a private drive... What gives?

    1. hellamikey


      Its happening more and more. for the longest time every datsun I'd wave/honk at would give a wave back, its about 50/50 these days...

    2. 808DA6


      521 guy didn't want to get car-jacked. Crazy datsun stalkers nowadays. Hahahaha.

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