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About kcobb454

  • Birthday 04/27/1966

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  • Cars
    1970 521 P/U
  • Interests
    if its FUN I like it!
  • Occupation
    Insurance Agent

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  1. Well after an absorbent amount of time and agonizing over what could be wrong with the truck, I was able to get with Hainz and go over all of the common causes of the symptoms. Hainz kept leaning back to possibly distrbutor related so, I pulled the distributor and gave it a thorough cleaning and replaced the new condenser with another new one and Bingo, we now have a sweet running machine again!! Thanks to everyone for chiming in with ideas, much appreciated! And special thanks to Hainz ✌️
  2. Banzai I’d like to chat on the phone with you if possible.
  3. I admit I’m not great at wiring but this should be pretty simple and so far no proving to be simple.
  4. Agreed. It was running excellent and it just went from that to running rough to worse and had to trailer it home. My brain is starting to hurt from it lol
  5. I did bye the way clean up the wiring a long time ago as you can see in the pics but not sure what all has been done further into the harness, it has had someone in it.
  6. I hear ya! I have the coil I took off. And believe me, this is normally an easy fix for me. I am not an inexperienced mechanic, I am just dealing with some weird ass gremlin! I have it narrowed down to very weak spake at the coil wire, fuel is not the issue at this point. Someone prior to me put the l20 in it and has done some butchery on the wiring and I am starting to think there may be an issue with some wiring. I have some time available today so going to get back at it and see what I can figure out.
  7. I will follow up tomorrow, have to quit for the day. thank you for all the input so far, I appreciate it. 😉
  8. 12.14v to the distributor/points
  9. The ignition voltage to the ballast is 11.34v The voltage coming out the other end of the ballast to the coil is 6.87v
  10. I have to almost ground the coil wire to get it to ark..seems to me it should be snapping and jumping to the ground I’m holding it up to, I almost have to touch it to the ground to get the spark. The points spark very well.
  11. I can’t seem to figure out how to post a picture or video on here lol I do know what a ballast resistor is☺️ as far as a coil wire going to a relay, I said that a wiring diagram that I was looking at shows that one of the wires goes to a relay it shows it is a 4 wire relay. Like I said earlier it ran flawlessly and then all the sudden it started running terrible! It’s not missing any parts or any thing weird like that. I have done every troubleshooting thing I can think of with no avail. I was just hopeful someone might know of some uncommon thing that may be different than all of the common sense trouble shooting exercises. even though it has blue spark, it seems very weak.. does anyone know how many volts should be coming from the ballast to the coil? I feel like something is interfering with the spark at the end of the coil wire.
  12. Yes I ordered the coil that came stock on the 521 the points and condenser are new. I have gone over all the wire connections they are all fresh terminals with dialectic grease and shrink tube. I like things done right😉 I was looking at a wiring diagram and it appears that one of the coil wires goes to a relay. Any insight on that, could it be failing and cause a problem?
  13. Yes I ordered the coil that came stock on the 521 the points and condenser are new. I have gone over all the wire connections they are all fresh terminals with dialectic grease and shrink tube. I like things done right😉 I was looking at a wiring diagram and it appears that one of the coil wires goes to a relay. Any insight on that, could it be failing and cause a problem?
  14. There is no adapter for the carb. It’s an Offenhauser intake manifold. The distributor is the original as far as I know. I will see if I can find the number on it later today when I get a chance to work on it.
  15. No smog stuff aftermarket intake
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