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    1967 wpl-411

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  1. This is really something man. I bet this thing lives somewhere in the venn diagram of commitment, will, and just plain stubborn. 😜 Congrats.
  2. Yeah man. np Desk calipers = the set of Amazon specials I keep at my desk as opposed to my shop/constant use ones. So yeah, that was a weird mental note that I shouldn't have typed haha Windshields? I have no experience here.
  3. If you're willing to accept aftermarket P/U, there are two sizes that I'd wager you could get to work from the ol' Bay. Here's the size sheet: https://dustboots.eu/catalogs/ball-joint-dust-boots-size.htm My desk caliper measurements for the 411 are as follows: 13.8mm x 31.5mm x 24mm where (small hole x big hole x height). These are close-ish approximations, if you're skeptical (as you should be), lean towards smallest of best fit; or measure yourself.
  4. Some supplementary experience for added info in further/future cross referencing: I have successfully used a Beck/Arnley 071-2356, which was just a rebranded Seiken "Major" kit of the same part number, in the moderately recent past. After looking for the rebuild kit again, I'm finding the the Beck/A kit is nearing impossible to find, BUT it does net you a little more love when parts interchanging. This is just extras/last ditch, what Mike said especially regarding the seals really being the only thing you need is echoed in my experience. I thought I had a full scale Brazilian blowout on my hands when I did this. Turns out it was a just a small flat spot on the secondary cup. Also for research purposes, there is a certain 311s organization website that has a little bit of all this info wrapped up in a single page. Do some '411' searches here: http://www.311s.org/pmwiki-311/pmwiki.php?n=TechSection.311sPartsInterchange
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