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    810 goon, 2x 610 sedans

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  1. dobo

    610s unite!!!!!!

    Haven't been on here in ages i feel bad. That's gonna be one nice SSS when its done simon. cant wait to see more progress. my B is currently under going a weight loss died, and iv got a l20b to stick in it. ill just leave this here.
  2. dobo

    Zerow's 610 4-door

    that is some next level shit! perfect
  3. damn that looks good. well done
  4. dobo

    610s unite!!!!!!

    both those shops look awesome. if you had wheels to make the boso flares work i would so do that!
  5. i had a spare 195 60 around so got that put on one of the rears on the weekend. I've ordered a pair of 185 60's to put on. These look like they will scrub a bit if the back compresses too much also got my front calipers rebuilt and went to put them on. they seem to be early types 200b and my struts are later. bolt spaces are the same but the caliper sits at a different angle and wont slide over the disc fully. i don't know whether to try and get my other caliper helicoiled (because i cant find an exact replacement) or look for another strut/caliper combo to put in.
  6. yeah dude. here's a comparison of the cut guard to the uncut one on my mates car. and heres the fold i did. not so pretty but its straight and looks good from the outside.
  7. Success! removing this much metal means wheels now turn! I'm so grateful i bought a dremel a while back. would have been a pain in the arse to cut with a 4inch. i also got some new 810 calipers. they are different to my current 810 ones though, the pad is shorter. will give them a freshen up and get them in soon. and she finally got a well needed wash! thanks for the help guys
  8. this will defiantly look the goods on meshies. MA61's dont look too bad though
  9. dobo

    610s unite!!!!!!

    just saw this on speedhunters here http://www.speedhunters.com/2013/03/a-stroll-through-project-car-paradise/ apparently in selma was not expecting that!
  10. yeah i like this plan, will try it on the weekend and see how it goes, cheers guys
  11. yeah not rolling, the top of the guards fine its just in front. i mean cutting here
  12. i realize they really don't look that different and different model guards, but there is still a big difference in wheels gap
  13. everyone with a 610, has anyone cut or bent the front section of guard to allow front wheels to turn? it seems to bend in this is original and this looks cut?
  14. She is a pearler! great work, cant wait to see more!
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