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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Lunch bump... Willing to trade for good condition Weber 32/36.
  2. This one I'll keep ;) The only thing I'll add is I bought two and Jon gets the other. I'll showcase it once coated and installed. Shouldn't be too long... You can wait. I can hear you on wanting projects to be done. I can only imagine 3 times the work I already have. Don't be such a Negative Nancy. Quit being so lazy and grab a wrench.
  3. Thank you. Still has a ways to go though... I just looked at it after work today and so much is still dirty. Once I swap in that new block, I should be able to clean the rest of it. I also got a package in the mail this morning. Once JRock is done with working his magic on it, it goes on too. You'll have to wait for that though.
  4. You do some mighty fine work!
  5. Yeah, results look good. Wasn't sure how well dry ice would far with that tar, but thought it worth mentioning in case.
  6. Night time shot so its pretty grainy with my iPhone. Better one during the day... still much cleanup to be done.
  7. You can only see where door mirrors are aimed as well... It's not like they constantly rotate giving you more angles.
  8. Have you thought about dry ice? You could freeze it and chip it away instead of pain stakingly scraping goo. It's a pretty common tactic for removing sound deadener.
  9. Here's the problem I run into without the adapter plate: As you can see, only one hole lines up :(
  10. Yeah, shitty you have all those machines but aren't allowed to use them. I should be drilling both bolt patterns in the next day or two.
  11. It's pretty difficult to make that on just the lathe. You hold your breathe and I'll get back to you.
  12. With your phone being so old, I didn't even know it had a contact book.
  13. Fuck... Jon wins. Yeah it's a metal case and adapter plate for the hub I picked up. Still have a bit to do, but so far it's coming out nice.
  14. I don't think you're allowed to make a joke... You're the reason were talking about this since your first post was serious.
  15. Door mirrors for sure. Maybe it's just the style of your fender mirrors, but I do not like them.
  16. Needs more tuck to rock those.
  17. Only shade in the parking lot! :D
  18. That woman's car is so clean... I've seen it a couple times since I first spotted it. Wish I knew were she lived so I could see it more offen (no stalker). Great color too, but I'm partial to green.
  19. The only reason I don't want to chance them being the same size is I will be doing the swap over an hour from where I can make the spacers. So if they don't work, I can't just run up and make a new size. I would be stuck in that garage... If I was swapping near work/home I would just say fuck it and take my chances.
  20. Bump. Still looking... I don't mind purchasing a set, but would rather not spend a bunch since I won't be actually using the items, just want to use a set of caliper on them.
  21. I wish it was the spacers... I still haven't gotten my hands on a set to measure them. No one seems to have a set handy that aren't currently installed. I was offered to purchase a set and pressure plate, but I didn't want to spend the $60 just to take some measurents. A little rich for my blood. Here is another photo: I'm checking the depth of the bore with another important metal piece I have.
  22. Making parts... Making parts! Anyone but Q-Tip know what I'm making?
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