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lil89ram50 last won the day on February 27 2010

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About lil89ram50

  • Birthday 12/15/1991

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    devils lake north dakota

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  1. Hey Dustin Moen, can I have that carb that I payed you for? I Sent out the payment on September 29th and this is absolutely ridiculous.

  2. lights arent so bad... could be the chrome ones! lol
  3. might be headed to the dark side! 99 VW GTI VR6 might be my newest purchas...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Draker


      I wouldn't be too concerned with the timing chain. See if its been done already. Needed around 100-120k. You will need to drop the trans to gain access. The VR6 is pretty solid. But yes vws are a little weird. I wouldn't let this change your mind unless you don't have money/time to do it. Or if you are not mechanically inclined.

    3. lil89ram50


      some kid is selling it on the other side of the state. i talked to his father today and he told me the real story about the car. not that he is just upgrading. apparently it hase some ecu or wiring issues. so it is now a no go.

    4. Draker
  4. radio... i want that hard body!
  5. haha yess!! that is a kick ass motor! too bad its so far away to ship!!! any one have an idea what it would cost to ship something like this?
  6. is that ever worth clean paint stereo alarm??
  7. are those a nissan wheel? look a lot like the celica supra toyota wheels...
  8. if it is the motr i think it is... i want it too!!!
  9. got her running yester day! cleaned up carbs quick, fixed wiring and yanked it over and she runs! missing on one cly. have to go through the carbs better.
  10. is any one here into vintage sleds? ive always been into newer sleds and deep snow. But the past few years, we havent had a lot of snow. just very cold. Well this summer i acquired a '75 polaris 440 electra wide-track. FOR FREE!!!!! it does not rus as of now, i just started to work on it last night. History on the sled. Man who lives on a farm bought it new in '75. drove it and maintained it till '78.... When the man died. The mans son, moved into the house, shut down the farm and stored the '75 in the barn, over in the corner and threw a tarp over it. The old mans son finally sold the old farmsted in 2000. The owners never moved into the house, they just wanted the farm land that went with it. In 2007, he sold just the farmsted. no other farm land.... to a guy i worked with. Well this summer, in 2012, the guy i worked with invited me out to go coon hunting as they were killing his live stock. chickens, hens, turkeys, ducks. Well anyways, me and the fiancé are out there looking for the dam coons, and she walks into this old barn. Huge holes in the walls, doors are laying on the ground, the whole place is leaning over about to cave in! She takes 2 shots with her 243!!! scared the shit out of me as i wasnt paying attention. She shot and missed the coon sitting in the rafters. we chased it out into the trees and we eventually killed it. it had a hole about the size of a softball coming out the other side where i got him with my 30-06. :) We grabbed it and showed joe we finally got it. we decided to go look though all the old buildings he had there. went through all of them and found this sled in the back of the barn with the coon! he told me i could have anything in any of the buildings as he wants them all torn down with in a few years, and dont have time to clean them out! Grabbed the starter cable, yanked over real strong :) good compression still! last registered in '79. cleated track still to. Everything is og. wiring is a little brittle, and the seat has disintegrated. but over all OK for a free barn find. its also quite rusty. My plan is to race it this winter in the vintage oval class. pics later :) after its running. if you have any vintage sleds, post them up!!! i do have a question though. does anyone know of a simplified wiring diagram just to run the engine? theres a shit ton of wires under the hood, and i know there doesnt need to be this many, plus theres a lot of connectors that arent even hooked up.
  11. this is probably true. im sure by now your idler arm is about to jump ship.
  12. never mind i just figured it out on a spare transmission i have. you have to take the tail end of the trancmission off. then press the sleve out. then part #37 will come out
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