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Been away for a while due to lack of intrest and not having a job for over a year and on disability thus the reason for the attempted sale of (MI DIME) witch I was talked out of by a good friend and his brother. Had to step back and take a deep breath and just deal with my situation. And with that said I would like to apologize to anyone how emailed me abought the car it still is not running and has not been uncoverd in over a year.


With that being said I'm happy to say that I just finished my first week at my new job as get this. a powder coater at a well astiblished mfg company With a 10 min commute the hrs are not my fave but it's a job. I never powdered coated before in my 30+ yrs of painting. But my supervisor could not believe it affter my first attempt which made me all warm and fuzzy inside. The shop is so chill and it feels like a good place so unfourtunitly I will not be able to do the thurs nite meets anymore but weekends are open.


Thanks Dimeguy 510

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