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feed and return ka24e 510

dime'n daily

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my question is can the vent lines from the tank (what I think to be) be used as a feed and return line for a ka setup in a 510?


the nipples off #23 on the picture






240s used 5/16 lines for both feed and return, and the top nipple from the tank fits 5/16 fine, the bottom one a little small but I can make something work.

just ordered a 255 walboro and just wondering

has it been done and im just not finding it, searched quite a bit, or what have people done in the past.


sorry if its been asked a bunch any help would be appreciated

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I would be very reluctant to do this. Return lines are always larger than the feed line to the pump/carb also neither are designed for 40 +PSI pressures. The vent line still needs to be used. I would run approved pressure feed and return line.

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I would be very reluctant to do this. Return lines are always larger than the feed line to the pump/carb also neither are designed for 40 +PSI pressures. The vent line still needs to be used. I would run approved pressure feed and return line.

Sorry let me rephrase, I was wondering If I could use just those nipples as the source for the feed and return I would use fuel lines/hoses not the actual vent hoses. 240s use 5/16 for feed and return that's why I ask.

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Totally my bad. That would work. Where will the pump be, somewhere in line? Just for the record the return is almost always larger diameter than the feed.

I kind of worded it funny too haha, and yes I just ordered an external 255 walboro. I was going to mount it on the frame rail somewhere or maybe somewhere more accessible not too sure yet. And then a filter somewhere in the location of where the 240s are, in the engine bay, near the firewall. Heard some people run one before the pump too?


If need be, the top nipple is 5/16 and the bottom one a little smaller. Maybe I can run the feed off the smaller nipple and the return off the 5/16 (larger) nipple.


Thanks for the help much appreciated.

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Electric pumps should be mounted as low and as close to the source (tank) as possible. (sometimes that's not possible) Pumps can produce almost unlimited pressure but at suction they suck. No pump ever made or could be made will be able to draw fuel more than 30 feet vertical so every inch counts.


Yes a filter before could save an expensive pump from crap that gotin while filling.

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