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1970 510

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I'm not sure if this is the right section cuz I know there is a wrecking yard report thread. But there is a 1970 510. 4dr at thousand palms Ecology. 27600 Sierra del Sol, Thousand Palms, CA 92276, It looked like an older enthusiasts car that was sold to someone who didn't appreciate 510's. it has an l20b with 5spd. All European lenses. Steel pillar vents and a couple other lil goodies. I was told it runs and was quoted $1400. Its all there and complete I almost bought it then decided not to. Its got a couple o dents but has great potential to the right person. Ive seen waaaay worse for alot more. Would rather a fellow Ratsun'er got it. So mods feel free to move this if needed. Hope someone gets it and it doesn't get smashed

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