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Ratsun, I need your help.

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So September has not been a good month for me.

First my bike blew up.

Then I lost my job.

And my phone.

Put the last of my money into insurance, tag, and gas.

0$ to my name.


Just spent every last penny on my truck so I can have some transportation which leads to job, phone, money.


And then this....




I followed directions.

I swear I was doing it right.




My cam towers were all even and flush.

then BAM

Cam explodes

I fucked up somewhere and I guess there was a .5 mm difference in tower height


I wasn't even mad. I looked at it for a second then immediately ran outside to throw up.

I literally puked up my frustration.




Dear Ratsun.

I need a Cam for an L20B. I swear on my life that I will repay you as soon as financially possible.

Please message me if you can send me a cam.

I have till the 11th to make 125$ or I will have to cancel my insurance and return my tag. My only hopes of getting back on my feet are to get this truck on the road and get back to FL where I have friends and family.

God Bless You.


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