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SOOOooo... i grew up around gearheads... from the early days i can remember trying to help my dad work on cars.. i grew up a ford mustang guy, but through a series of events gained a tremendous appreciation for imports as well. my first was a civic... it was totalled, then i bought this guy and made it what you see here <<click the video above if you want to see more>>




it started with a purchase from a friend when he went into the USAF... i grabbed his old civic, and started where every speed addict 19yr old does.. with bolt on engine mods. i ran full MSD, 4-2-1 header, AEM V2 cold air intake and a short shifter. i dropped it on skunk2 adjustable coilover full suspension, and skunk2 camber kits. then i got hit... i took the cash and used it to fix the car. i replaced the passenger side quarter panel and door and every dent and ding around the car, as well as giving it a CF "evo" style hood. the engine blew, and i replaced it with a DOHC ZC engine. then it got hit again and i had to replace a fender and a rim so i went out and got CF OEM replacements, and rims. there was much more that went into the build (obviously) but it seems monotonous to go into detail. regardless, while i was doing mods, i was also watching the evolution throught the eyes of people at the car shows that i showed it at, and the various forms of races i entered it into. i worked my way up to earning a plaque for "paint and body", and "screamin" (overall award), and then i won 2nd place at the april supershow in Modesto CA in 2008. i decided with the help of my wife that we would enter the vehicle into the internationally known "ModBall Rally" for their pioneer rally race on the west coast..... for our honeymoon. yeah, i know i have a great wife. lol. lucky for us we were accepted and had the honor of racing with some of the west coasts most modified street legal cars from San Fransisco to L.A. where we partied with Playboy for Halloween. after participating in a bikini car wash in San Diego the next morning, and finding out that we made it in "fatlace" magazine, we drove back home and started recouping the cost of the trip by being hermits... then on a random tuesday we woke up and the car was gone. we found it a few hours later stripped of virtually everything. it took six very long months with the CARcass sitting in my parents backyard to FINALLY get a settlement between us and the insurance company. the car was valued at $9,500 according to an independant appraiser, and the insurance company initially offered us $1,500, while justifying their offer with "well, the fenders are black, and the paint is green, thats what we in the insurance buisness call mismatched paint, and altered/damaged suspension" we settled for just under 6k. and used the money to help us get into our first house. ---- heres the car in memory, the good and the bad.



a few months after i first got it - funny story... i actually raced the yellow corvette in the background... and beat it.... the guy didnt know how to drive, and spun through first and second... i just grabbed and clawed with my stock 1.5L to squeek by before he did. the video has been lost in the sands of time, and internet space.

























and then... it was stolen.... RIP lil hatchie... you will always be remebered in a good light.





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yeah, thanks man... ive had almost two years to slowly let it go...but yeah the memories are still painful... its all good cause now the attention is being diverted into the datsun! when one door closes, another opens right?

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