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Big Trouble in a little truck

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As promised, this story is kind of a continuation of my how to get out of a ticket in milwaukie one. I keep seeing this girl that's amazing, but has a wife beating husband (fuck him). He worked graveyard, and I was up late nights, and so was she, so I regularly went over to her house.


He had met me once before when we got waaaay high during a break at work and she locked her keys in their 720 datsun, and he didn't have keys, and being similar to my 620 I was trying to pop the lock before they had to pay a tow truck driver to slimjim it, and he came over too, to pay the tow guy.


Anyway, he knew me and my truck, and one night she wants me to come over because she has something she needs to tell me. I come over and we smoke, and then I ask her what she wanted to tell me, and for many rounds, she's "lets smoke this next bowl first" We went through the whole bag (just under a half ounce) and a couple 32 oz beers (hepeveisen weisenberry) before she blurts out "I want to fuck you just for the fun of it!" I tell her "that can be arranged!" (yeah, lame, I was a virgin, way high, a big buzz, and she was waaaaay hott, cut me some slack :))


We had been in my 620 listning to the radio all night and that squeek that happened when I started the truck didn't seem to affect anything, so I hadn't worried about it. She wants to go inside where her mom is sleeping, and I ask if she'll wake up, and she says "no, mom takes all kinds of sleeping pills and she won't wake up for anything"


We hop into their marital bed, and.............. errrrr...... she really knew what she was doing and wasn't holding back, not knowing I was a virgin......


..........Aaaaanyway, alot of noise was made by both of us :), and her mom did wake up :S I kind of freeze and she says "lay down" and I do, and she covers me up completely, before her mom gets into the room in a pill induced stupor, and says "Oh, Joe's home early" and GOES TO PULL THE COVERS OFF MY FACE! when she grabs them, Cindy holds them over my face and yells "MOM YOU'RE JUST DREAMING! GO BACK TO SLEEP!" and she repeats "yeah, I must be dreaming, i'm going back to bed." WHEW!!!!


That ended that for the night, and I go out to my truck to start it, and as you may have guessed, the squeeky belt was to my alternator, and I couldn't start it! Even better, i'm at the bottom of a small hill, turnaround behind me, and when I managed to push it up the hill to push start it, I had maybe 15 feet to gain speed, roll forward, and start it, before I hit the curb. it took what felt like 100 attempts, and it finally fired, I was exhausted for 2 reasons now, and quickly pulled out of the projects, and at the first signal, I had a red light, and Joe didn't see me as he pulled onto his street. WHEW! again :)


What I didn't mention earlier is he was a third degree black belt, and Cindy had even showed me him in magazines :S.


Anyway, I slept a bit before my work shift, and get a call from her, (all happy) saying he tried to wake her up when ha got home, and she started hitting him, saying "LEAVE ME ALONE!"and instead of violent, he got all butt hurt, and said "Fine, then, I'm leaving you!" he took most his stuff and left with it (and the 720). She wanted me to come over and "celebrate" I hustled through my closing shift, and hurried to meet back up with her.


When I got their, the 720 with all his shit in it was their, and they were outside, and I could hear her saying "Why are you all upset now? YOU, left ME..." he was blubbering like a baby, then sees me, and yells "WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE? HEY, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU FUCKING MY WIFE? YOU FUCKING MY WIFE?" then goes into a full charge at my drivers door.


I do a mock cowering thing, head slightly outside my window, so he won't see me pull my lock up (I know he'll keep coming especially if i'm scared, he hits women when their scared, so what's the difference? he knows how to fight) Left hand grabs my "Night stick" right hand fingers the door release. and I listen for the steps to get louder and to see feet where I was looking down to.


I hear another set of fast footsteps, and get a bit confused, and when the footsteps get close, I try to slam my door into him or whoever, and hit air. something hits the bed of my truck kinda softly (No damage ratsun folk :))


Adrenaline pumping, I'm on my feet, "Night Stick" in hand, see that Cindy pushed him back and away from me, and He now has his back to me :)


As I raise up taking the only chance I had to win this (I never studied martial arts, just held my own on the streets), Cindy sees i'm about to brain Joe, and yells "LEVI!" errr, I mean ".SUNLOVER!" lol.


I know I have no chance, heads up, so I toss the "Night Stick" under my seat as I leap into my truck and pull out my Marbs, and by the time, he's fully turned around, i'm lighting a smoke and my truck is bouncing slightly from me jumping in :).


He doesn't add it up, and just goes back to asking Cindy why i'm there, and she says I was her ride to get some weed (she'd been smoking so much lately lol :)) He buys it, she makes him leave, telling him he ended it, and has to live with that, and I had about a year of crazy good times with her.

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