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About Will

  • Birthday 06/12/1977

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    San Francisco
  • Cars
    a bicycle, and a '68 510 Wagon that I'm trying to make less crusty.

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  1. Anyone have an a/c system for a 710? the start of my cross-country trip has me thinking about adding some coldness to the car.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MicroMachinery
    3. Will


      I think I'll be getting to SF a few days after Canby ends! (...if only it was the SECOND weekend in June...)

      Thanks for the offer RedBanner - that'll be the perfect excuse for a trip up the PCH. The 710 needs a bumper sticker from Confusion Hill Gravity House.

    4. bonvo


      if your going to go pick it up from redbanner let me know maybe i can meet ya somewhere and snap some pics

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