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1 Follower

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cloverdale, CA
  • Cars
    71 510 4-door , 72 510 wagon, 2012 prius
  • Interests
    Cars and Landscaping/Gardening

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  1. A pic from a cool C&C awhile back
  2. Here’s one of my new car I got last year.
  3. Sighting in Santa Rosa the other day
  4. I haven’t posted on here in a while but here’s a pic of the wagon from earlier in the year
  5. I have been hella busy lately and haven't been on here in awhile but I would be into bringing a load of parts down for a swap meet.
  6. At a car meet at Sears Point Raceway last weekend.
  7. Rollin in to cars and coffee
  8. me in 81 with my parents friends 510 in the back
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