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  • Location
    Lewiston Maine
  • Cars
    1989 bmw, 84 Nissan Lakeview, Toyota Tacoma
  • Interests
    Vehicle restoration

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  1. I’ve got the manual for the rig now searching for info on the camper part. I’ve found that it’s the “500” floor plan but haven’t been able to find anything much else available about it. Haven’t seen any pictures of that specific floor plan 😢
  2. After much research I have come to the conclusion that I have the 500 floor plan! its a start 🤗😂
  3. I found her locally on Facebook marketplace. I was going to look at another one an hour and a half away and checked before I went and she popped up less than a half hour away and was just what I was looking for! The manual transmission caught my eye because well you can’t beat that 😂
  4. Thanks for the clarification! Apparently the gentleman who I purchased her from got her from the original owner. She was driven to Maine by a family member who somehow blew up the engine. She now has a brand new one so the mechanicals are in great shape. The camper box is another thing 🙄 the passenger side has alot of water damage (which we plan on fixing) As the woman is fairly local to us we are hoping to be able to connect with her about the manuals that she says she has 🤞🏼
  5. I now own this one and unfortunately none of the info that she had mentioned came with it 😢
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