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85 720 king cab 4x2

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  • Location
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    1985 Nissan 720 King Cab stock 4x2 made in Japan
  • Interests
    My Truck , Disc Golf, Cerwin Vega lots and Loud!,

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  1. No it’s the litttle metal arm that has threads on one end that snaps into the lever that moves the door from Heat to Defrost it’s the arm that the cable attaches to and the arm moves the door up and down inside the heater core, sorry that’s about the easiest way I can explain it and I do have a picture of it. I’m just don’t know how to add pictures on this site. UPDATE : it looks as though I was able to upload a couple of pictures if you can see the black arrow pointing to the little metal rod inside the yellow circle, thanks to anybody who can help me with this part.
  2. Can anyone help me out with the heater adjustment arm in the little snapping that goes in to hold it? Mine is broken and the arm is gone and he both replace it because somehow when I was messing with it, I got a leak and I fix the leak, but I just need the parts to get it to work again, please let me know
  3. Does anyone have the little metal arm the moves the heater to Hot and Off I need a replacement one thanks I took everyone’s advice and I found out where the leak was and fix that. Now I just need the little arm and the little plastic pin that goes through that hold it would be awesome It broke as well. So anyhow, I hope I did fix it. I will test here in a bit.
  4. Where exactly are the drains for it under the cowl??It’s hard to see there because it doesn’t come off. Just that little plastic piece comes off tilts the water down in there. I see the upper little pieces of plastic that also drain water down, but it leaks completely into my blower motor comes pouring out the blower motor every time it rains. I live in the Pacific Northwest in another month or so it’s gonna rain for six months straight. I’m tired and water is the only way you can get it. Does it take off the fender?
  5. Can anyone help me with the buzz in my radio from the alternator goes up with accelerator down with accelerate.I even installed an Insta powered 30 amp filter the buzz is just as bad if not, worse, could there be a ground in the radio harness besides the radio ground??any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hey Thanks everyone for the help and advice !
  7. can anybody tell me where I can get some replacement valve cover screw grommets the little grommets to go through the screw on the valve cover not the little half moons go through the screws and hold down the valve cover thanks in advance
  8. Can anybody point me where to get a relay for my flashers for LED bulbs? thanks ahead of time.
  9. Can anybody tell me what the red and yellow and red and blue wires that are connected to each other?? are those for lights I’ve got all kinds of light problems just wondering
  10. Hey Tommy do u still have the passenger tail light! Thanks in advance if you still have it ! oh if so how much are u asking for it?
  11. Sorry this is on at 85 720 KC
  12. Can Anyone tell me where the plug is behind the Glove box that goes to the dash Before it goes to the engine housing what does the plug look like how many prongs I mean any kind of help would be great!I still can’t figure out the no dash lights that I have checked the dimmer switch and it has power but Works can’t figure out why they have no dash lights at all??
  13. What’s the best radiator for 85 720 2.4L RWD go to be better to find an electric fan if you can find the shroud to fit it?? Any help would be great!
  14. 85 720 LED headlight replacement swap pins from halogen
  15. Could this be my starter going out could you possibly be a loose connection any insight would be great I don’t want to go out one morning and I would not start my daily driver
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