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Matt H

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    1971 Datsun 521 1600 Pick up

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  1. @demo243 Thanks for sharing! Liking the 240z project - very cool!
  2. Nice. Yeah i'm realizing that stuff breaking is just part of owning an older car. You cant really see it in the photos but the windscreen is actually cracked. That's next on my list..
  3. I realized i've been on Ratsun for a few years now and never posted any pictures of the truck. I'm calling her Heartbreaker as she's always doing the dirty on me. Thats me cleaning 50 years of crud off the bottom of the engine. Haven't needed to do too much to the truck as the previous owner did most of the heavy lifting. The camper shell is now gone. I'm not much of a speed freak so I'll be keeping the truck pretty stock. I'll follow up with some pics of the interior soon!
  4. Thanks @datzenmike This was the type I replaced a couple of years back with the 'jiggle' valve. It seems to be running ok now
  5. ok scrap that. The car is now running fine! It really has a mind of its own sometimes... Honestly I feel like it was just a failed top radiator hose. What i've noticed when draining and replacing the coolant is the car doesn't like to be on a incline when you refill it. I just drove it around the block a few times and it's now settled in. I think it just needed to be driving to get the coolant moving and the thermostat kicking in. Thanks everyone. I'm sure there will be more - but for now i'm back on the road : )
  6. Hey @banzai510(hainz) its a prediluted 50/50 mix
  7. OK so I removed the top rad hose and cleaned up the nozzle. At first glance the join looked pretty solid so I thought i'd be clever and not remove the radiator. Instead I just cleaned up the head and installed the new hose. Low and behold the car started to overheat. This time more than before. Is it likely that the stat isn't opening? I replaced it about 2 years ago. I was tying to burp the radiator and ensure it was all running smoothly. It didn't really look like it was cycling. If I gave it a little bit of gas you could see it rise and when I cut the engine it nearly overflowed. For context: The top radiator hose was not leaking during this process and the car was on a slight incline. I'll likely pull and flush the radiator and change the stat again. I guess that serves me right for cutting corners : | I still have the thermo gun from the 1st time this started happening a couple of years back so can try that again too. I don't know if this is my imagination but I swear the temp gauge was hovering around 25% for much longer than usual and took a long time for the radiator to heat up. I had to give it a few revs to bump the temperature
  8. @Stoffregen Motorsports I noticed someone mentioned Oreilly's on another thread so I just checked on the off chance. It is in the guide you shared though (Page 93 / Row 196) Thanks for sharing. I'm sure i'll be using this for other parts
  9. Thanks both - much appreciated! Will report back with an update shortly. Looks like I can source a new one locally https://www.oreillyauto.com/detail/c/gates/engine-cooling/radiator-hose/b0a07a12b12d/gates-radiator-coolant-hose/gat0/20776/v/a/16463/automotive-truck-1971-nissan-521-pickup?q=radiator+hose&pos=0
  10. Hi both, Thanks for this - I'd say your diagnosis looks pretty on point. I tightened up the hose and took it around the block today and can see its still leaking. I'll pull the radiator and have it pressure tested as mentioned. If it is the soldered joint - Is that something that can be easily repaired or am I better off looking for a newer replacement radiator? Am i right in thinking these top hoses are also hard to find a replacement?
  11. So I noticed the temp was starting to creep today. It looks as though the top radiator hose was starting to fail / come loose as the was residue and dripping inside the engine bay. I'm was curious if this was just a loose clamp or if the coolant system was over pressurizing for some reason. It looks as though either the head gasket or valve cover gasket might also also leaking and potentially around the water pump. Is it likely this is related? (I changed the stat around 2 years ago)
  12. Hey @DanielC I have the same issue where both of my reverse lights are corroded beyond repair. The housing of the lights is salvageable so i'm just in need of two single point sockets. Appreciate any guidance you might be able to offer. It looks as though finding a replacement wiring harness might be tough. Is it possible to use something like this and just file down some of the grooves in the locking mechanism to get it to fit? https://www.ebay.com/itm/133567541812?hash=item1f193ef234:g:l40AAOSwrNBfpJEZ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4E907rxOaQpnr26tko5%2FFbYv93x17x4Z5PIqIRRJdsnGUY%2FVXUjXyAlazAukFLW8gRCkw6VMPL%2FlQ5i2pa1uHHJ797bESPC41wZljhFVOsB8ib0HK5VizB0UXX0MOX8zVlYgeZIW3BY5s%2FrkvbCUOL4XVXhgCNmueSelqR7UayODXiUcaP9YqyjTj2C5MO6x%2FSiCA%2BRxWKKGpGHezGUrPc%2FmuXXp5DRxwShlEBXe35PwLIBlfgUo4MfCvz8eKHwo1YUMLInsd8eeyYzHdPwrqWoFJ8BxNjrio9NR1xfmjSRV|tkp%3ABFBM2IC7-IBi
  13. @Stoffregen Motorsports I see it now thanks... I didn't realize chrome trim was even an option!
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